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Three parties finalize candidates in Chitral

CHITRAL: PTI Chitral president Abdul Lateef has said his party has finalized him as its candidate for the National Assembly seat of NA-1 and Irshad Saboor as a candidate for the provincial assembly seat of PK-1.

He said they would receive nomination papers on Thursday and would submit them with the returning officer on Friday.

Meanwhile, PML-N Chitral leader Sifat Zareen and spokesman Niaz A. Niazi said that former MNA Shahzada Iftikharuddin and Abdul Wali Khan Advocate would be the candidates of their party for the NA-1 and PK-1, respectively. They will file their nominations on Friday.

On the other hand, Sajidullah Advocate of the PML-N has also obtained nomination papers. But Mr Niazi said that the party would finalize the names of Iftikharuddin and Abdul Wali at a meeting today.

Former MPA Salim Khan said that his party had already nominated him as a candidate for NA-1 and Haji Ghulam Muhammad for PK-I. He said the nomination papers would be filed on Friday. –Muhkam Uddin Ayuni

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  1. Asmana Mas says

    Iftikhar jaisa khud garz banda ma ne kabi chitrali sisayat ma nahi dekha..bhot hi khud garx insan hay.. InshaAllah chitral ke awam es ko wapis begen gay…

  2. Shafqat says

    With the Thursday ruling of Supreme Court which allowed former military dictator Gen Pervez Musharraf to conditionally file his nomination papers for the upcoming general elections, the prospects of all the political parties particularly Iftikharuddin to win next elections, has become almost “IMPOSSIBLE”, “IMPOSSIBLE” and “NAMUMKIN”. I call it “NAMUMKIN” because the people of Chitral will not vote for any other party if Musharraf decides to contest elections from Chitral. But, if he opts to field anybody else to contest elections from the platform of his party, it is very unlikely rather will be “IMPOSSIBLE” for him to win the polls.
    The people had a very bitter experience with Iftikharuddin. The people are very upset when the former MNA did not even bother to mention the name of Gen Musharraf in his farewell speech to the National Assembly. Now, he may jump into the fray from the platform of PML-N, and I do not know how hen will ask people not to vote for Gen Musharraf if he himself decides to contest elections from Chitral. Iftikhar will be in hot water rather he will not even be able to launch an election campaign as people are very angry at him for ridiculing Gen Musharraf in order to please his boss Nawaz Sharif for complete five years under the pretext of development of Chitral. The crocodile tears which Iftikhar used to shed was not the development of Chitral rather it was to strengthen his political career. But Allah is great, and He sees us all. With the entry of hot-headed commando, the future of all political parties has been put at stake. Now it is either Musharraf or NO ONE else. My message to Chitrali politicians including those belonging to APML of Gen Musharraf is: keep beating your chest in utter frustration. Keep rocking commando!!

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