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Parents ask district admin to open TLSC tomorrow

CHITRAL: Parents on Sunday asked the district administration to ensure opening of The Langlands School and College (TLSC) on Monday (tomorrow).

At a meeting, which was attended by a large number of parents, the school administration was asked to pick pupils from the designated points as usual by the school buses on Monday morning.

They said the teachers should also ensure their attendance in the school to resume classes, according to a press statement issued after the meeting.

The meeting expressed concerns over the closure of the school since Oct 9. The school was shut by its British Principal Carey Schofield after teaching and non-teaching staff demanded her removal for alleged financial and administrative mismanagement.

The parents today also constituted a 15-member committee under the chairmanship of Afsar Ali Khan, which would hold talks with the school administration and government authorities concerned on behalf of the parents to end the deadlock. The members after the meeting went to meet the school principal.

The meeting also asked the government to reconstitute the governing body of the school by giving representation to the parents.

In future, they added, the school administration should consult the committee in running the affairs of the school.


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1 Comment
  1. Sarwar says

    And do you know Editor the principal did not bother to meet respected parents.

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