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Lawyers seek police case against officials for outages

CHITRAL: The representatives of lawyers in the town on Sunday filed an application seeking registration of a case against the departments concerned for unchecked power outages despite availability of surplus electricity after the inauguration of the Golen Gol power station.
Lawyers seek police case against officials for outages

In their application, lawyers Khursheed Hussain Mughal, Waqas Ahmed, Sajidullah, Muhamamd Kausar, Alam Zeb, Faisal Kamal and Rizwanullah nominated resident engineer and SDO of WAPDA, line incharge and incharge of the grid station Chitral as responsible for the outages.

They said there was no shortage of electricity but the officials concerned were deliberately creating problems for the residents even in the scorching heat and Ramazan.

They said due to the unannounced loadshedding, works at the courts were being interrupted and the litigants were suffering. The outages can also cause public unrest in the town, they added.
They demanded that action should be initiated against those responsible for the outages. –Bashir Hussain Azad

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