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Is there any law against these road hoggers?

CHITRAL, Oct 5: The Chitral bazaar has become a nightmare for motorists but there seems no remedy to the issue as work on the alternative bypass project has stalled. truck copyWhen you enter the congested bazaar even there is no room for pedestrians let alone a car or jeep to pass through. Most of the trucks bringing goods for the traders form Peshawar and other districts hogging the road in the middle. It seems there is now law and to rein in on the trucks as the traffic police cops standing nearby seem helpless to do anything. Most of the time, it is alleged, the police are bribed by the trucks owners association. The police swing into action if some poor taxi driver blocks the road. The police also remain silent against trucks causing traffic jams on the hospital, university and college roads where entry of heavy vehicles is banned. But the trucks are allowed to unload goods/luggage standing on the main road. People of Chitral have demanded that the authorities concerned should take action against the traffic police Chitral and ban the entry of loaded trucks into the main road.–Gul Hamaad Farooqitruck2 copy]]>

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