Teachers paid tributes as torch-bearers of nation
CHITRAL, Oct 5: A day of celebration with the rest of the world to pay homage to teachers on ‘World Teachers’ Day’ was held at the Aga Khan Higher Secondary School Chitral (Seenlasht) on Saturday.
A large number of students participated and many renowned teachers of Chitral gave colour to the gathering. opening the ceremony, the Principal of the AKHSS Chitral said a teacher is a torch-bearer to get pupils out of the darkness. Our prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), who was a teacher himself, said: “I have been sent down as a teacher.” It is the teacher who leads the learners’ to light, he added. Mohammad Yasin and Mubashir Sultan of Grade-10 spoke on the status, role and greatness of teachers. Wazir Akhtar and his group staged a drama on the role of the teacher at school and home and the fruits of his hard work. They concluded the drama with a message that ‘time to be realized on time’.
Principal FCPS Chitral Samad Gul said “Those who do know and who don’t are not equal”. Since teacher is the agent of change in a society, he should keep the scale on equilibrium otherwise the invisible power takes the payback for what he/she has been appointed for, he also said. Ex-principal Maula Nigah Nigah while sharing his experience in education sector as a teacher said the teacher’s position extended more from money, property and assets. He is a king having control over all colour of flowers in the garden of wisdom. “God selects a fortunate person to be a teacher as I am proud to be a teacher. “When students reach in school one period later that nation lags one century behind than others” said Maula Nigah while referring to a dialogue of Hitler and his general.
Faraz Khan, a faculty member of AKHSS Chitral, Basharat Muluk, a student Grade-12 and Sadiqullah of Grade-8 presented their poetic creations in deference of teachers on the occasion.
Zafar Wali Shah, faculty AKHSS, Chitral, also spoke on the role of teacher and decline of Muslim world. The elected representatives of the ‘Student Council’ also took their oath and the president reiterated to work on school improvement plan and bridge gap between administration and students for positive change in school.
While appreciating the arrangement on teacher’s day, Prof. Shams Nazar Hashmi emphasized on a type of education to promote and preserve culture and civilization. ‘What you invest today will be hardest tomorrow’, he said addressing the students.
There are two groups of people in the world – teachers and learners. For a good teacher, he should be a good learner first, he said. The celebration of teachers’ day ended with a vote of thanks and prize distribution among the participants and shields to the guests’ and teachers.
Giving tribute to teachers is a great job. I appreciate the students and teachers who organized such a meaningful programme to promote the respect of teachers.It is also a source of encouragement for the teachers.
Great, but cannot find any notables like Dr. Faizi or BLSO chairperson Mr. Zafar.