Musharraf is welcomed, but can he win from Chitral?
SLAMABAD, March 24: Former president Pervez Musharraf finally landed in Karachi on Sunday despite mounting threats to his life.
As the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) has already announced the schedule for the elections, his homecoming has special significance for the future politics of Chitral. The former president launched work on the mega Lowari Tunnel project in 2005 but after coming to power the PPP suspended the work at the site citing lack of funds. Musharraf says he loves the people of Chitral and the people of Chitral love him. He has decided to contest the elections from Chitral.
ChitralToday talked to a number of prominent Chitralis belonging to different walks of life to know their impressions about Musharraf’s arrival in the country after about four years and his prospects of winning the elections, if he contests, from Chitral.
Prof Dr Inayatullah Faizi: Dr Faizi is an intellectual and well-knowN writer and author. For the last many decades, he has been writing regularly about Chitral’s culture, traditions and history. He also has a strong grip on national issues and writes daily and weekly columns, called Dad Bedaad, for Peshawar-abased Urdu newspapers. About Musharraf’s contesting elections from Chitral, Dr Faizi said in 2010 former MNA Shahzada Mohiuddin (PML-Q) along with some ex-nazims of Chitral had invited Musharraf to contest elections from Chitral. He said there were three factors in support of Musharraf at that time:
“Shahzada Mohiuddin, the former nazims and suspension of work on the Lowari Tunnel. Now all the three factors are gone, he added. He said Shahzada Mohiuddin has retired from active politics due to falling health, the ex-nazims have been wooed back by the PPP and their leader Sartaj Ahmed is being given ticket for a provincial assembly seat of Chitral. The third factor due to which the people of Chitral were angry with the PPP-led government has also gone and work on the tunnel is going on in full swing for the last six months. He said if the former president contests the elections from Chitral, he would not be able to get more than 3,000 (three thousand) votes.
To win the elections for the National Assembly seat of Chitral (NA-32), one has to bag over 30,000 votes. Nusrat Bhutto won the seat with over 38,000 votes and Mohiuddin reached the assembly in 2008 with 33,000 votes, he added. “If Salim Khan contests for the NA seat, will the people of Garam Chashma vote for Musharraf; if Abdul Akbar contests for the seat, will Jamaat-i-Islami vote for Musharraf; if Saeed Ahmed stands, will the people of his area (Tor Khow) vote for Musharraf,” Dr Faizi asked.
Sam Saam Ali Khan Advocate: Sam Saam Ali Khan is a senior lawyer from upper Chitral and is based in Karachi. Back home, he was also active in local government elections. Mr Ali said the people of Chitral respected Musharraf for constructing the Lowari Tunnel. The construction of the Lowari Tunnel has changed the fate of Chitral and the people of the area are indebted to Musharraf. Secondly, he added, Musharraf has been talking very high of the people of Chitral all over the world.
Mohammad Ali Mujahid: Mujahid is the chief editor of Shandur Magazine and has been publishing the weekly for the last over 15 years first from Karachi and now from Peshawar. He said if Musharraf or even his wife contested elections from Chitral, over 70 per cent of the people would vote for him. He said he had been visiting all areas of Chitral and had got the impression that Musharraf was very popular among the Chitralis. People of Chitral never forgot the services of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and have been voting for his family for the last so many decades. Musharraf has also done great favours for the people of this backward valley, so there is no question that the people of Chitral would forget his services. They would vote for him in complete disregard to their party affiliations. In reply to a question, he said as a former president and ex-chief of the army staff Musharraf would still be in a better position to serve the area. He said that political parties had failed to deliver and this can be judged from the performance of the elected representatives during the last five years.
Maulana Mohammad Ashraf said it did not suit well for a former president of Pakistan and an ex-army chief to contest election for a single NA seat in Chitral. He said Musharraf has no political future as he has no political party to play an active and sustainable role in politics.
Rehmat Ali Jaffar Dost: Dost is an active social worker from Booni and has been working for environment protection for the last many years. He is also a very popular and non-controversial figure of Chitral. He said he keeps on visiting and meeting the people in the whole valley of Chitral and outside as well round the year. He said Musharraf is the biggest benefactor of Chitral and people, especially women of the valley, have welcomed Musharraf’s return to the country. He said if Musharraf contested the elections from NA 32, the securities of his rivals would be forfeited.
Retired Subedar Sarfaraz Shah said it would be premature to talk about Musharraf’s winning the elections. He said the KPK government would never give security clearance for the former president’s entry into the Malakand division, so his contesting the polls was out of question.
Qazi Jalal from Singor, who runs flying coach service between Chitral and Booni, said, “I and my entire family have been staunch supporters of Jamat-e-Islami (JI) but this time we will vote for Musharraf despite my strong political affiliation with the JI.
Mr Asad, the owner of a general store at old PIA Chowk in Chitral Bazaar, said we Chitralis cannot pay back the debt we owe to Musharraf. He did every thing for us. Lowari tunnel is the best example. Shakil Ahmed, a lecturer in Computer Science at Govt Degree College Chitral, said Musharraf will stage a sweeping victory if he contests from Chitral. He said he visited his native village of Laspur a few days back and found the people of Laspur valley excited after watching on TV channels the news of Musharraf’s comeback. They will vote en bloc for Musharraf, he added.
Zuhur Ilahi from Broz, who recently graduated from Peshawar University in international relations, said, “I’d prefer Musharraf on other candidates for two reasons. First, he added, Musharraf did a lot for Chitral and secondly he can lure international donors towards Chitral because of his popularity and links abroad. M. Ghaffar Khan, a Chitrali working in Islamabad, said I have never voted in the past but if Musharraf comes, I will go and vote for him. He said local politicians had done nothing for the working class. We suffered a lot while coming to Islamabad and going back. Now the construction of the tunnel has resolved our big issue, he added. Didarul Mulk, Waqar Ahmed, Mir Dullah Khan and Meraj Wali said they would also vote for Musharraf along with their families.–Additional reporting from Chitral by Waqar Ahmed.
With an apology to those who had predicted that Musharraf would face defeat if he contested from Chitral. Now his candidate bagged over 29,000 votes but had Musharraf been allowed to take part in the elections how much votes he woud have captured?
I was out of internet access and was in my village in upper Chitral for about one month. So forgive me to share and comment on this topic very late as it would seem outdated. Mushhraf’s decision to come to Chitral and the rejection of his papers have left Chitralis dejected. When Mush arrived in Karachi on March 24, people in my area seemed as if Musharraf was one of them, believe me. They were so eager to vote for him that had he not been debarred from elections he would have won by forfeiting the security money of all the self proclaimed champions of politics. Secondly, there would have around 80 to 90 per cent turnout on polling day. With the disqualification and detention of Mush, people of Chitral are very dejected. Coming to Chitral in a taxi, I found people talking about Musharraf and most of the taxi drivers were playing the new cassette and CD of the song ‘Musharrafo khedmaat’. Without Musharraf, they seem uninterested in going to the poll. Indeed, it is injustice and a bad luck for us that Mush was debarred from taking part in election. Had he come to contest from Chitral, the worth of our own politicians would have been exposed.
Six posts in nine hours! All in Khowar wonder if Musharraf could follow these though it does prove the point of using mother tongue.People are more comfortable in expressing themselves in their mother tongues. May be the commentators can themselves translate it into English and post for everyone to follow it.
Musharraf has turned out to be a proverbial cat in the chicken pen of Chitrali politics. People are claiming credit for what Musharraf did for Chitral while others are pleading him to abandon Chitral as their hunting ground. Looks like Musharraf himself is the real tunnel linking Chitral with the outside world.
Tha de brokhcha va zherghava mo, tan nawkario bacha danggava mo, musharaf goe chitrara va elect de boe, tu tan nawkare bacha dangava mo, xan khodayo deru talebanan no,talebanan poshe tu rechave mo, vote dat musharaf ota va tu khial ko ma chitraro,
Khur kicha koi majoboor asur ishtikheran tan leadero,
Umer baghai korum hajat ishtikheran tan leadero,
Ma no nezeer nokariyar haya ghuman ishtikheran tan leadero,
Lalich bo shum mager majboor ishtikheran tan leadero,
Musharraf goi, mushty pasher thei sa lorur ho leadero
Safo sar nast chistu wara gherdi hes goi so leadru!
Kura aastai the leader hamunya pat, khyot no nisai raoleyo bakh hamunya pat, changi san ko regisho takhta kori awa neztam raoleyo rei, taan imano ko zhebosan shot chowao votan bachei, ta korum no leaderi kok mo ko blackmail ma Chetraro, tatei no dom kyawat di vote elect korom Musharrafo, tuptu bateer ta ghona ghon leaderanan, hostan mazhao khaktu chief baran bateer Peshwurot, Lateef beer Oveeroten, Maulana koi juloos jinaliya, ilaan koroi no korom siyasat rei, ta korum no leaderi kok mo ko blackmail ma Chetraro, tatei no dom kyawat di vote elect korom Musharrafo!
Tan hastio mitave mo, tan khudio tonjave mo
Chitrari asus hush kore tan sum besh balaho chakave mo
Musharraf rawlia bakh nezita bo jam arer, Chetarrian lot masalo hal arer,
Musharrafo qadro kore magar angaro tansum chakave mo
Tu ki chetrari asus, tan saqafato hush kore, tan khowar zabano drust kore
Rawlia bakh ta haq oshoi, bakho bachen tan leadaranan tonjave mo.
I would like to add something to what Arif said…Ganshaliyan tei lalah reik ta yadi goya no, shoko geiri la pata bik ta yadi goya no, zana pat kirkot, hostu dastana ta yadi goya no, ticket mashki Zahido hosta bah korik ta yadi goya no, Tori Shandur mori Raolei (Lowari) matei band, Gila kostei korom dashman tan darphadar Shazda no koi parwah rei tan soro zophik ta yadi goya no. Chucho shakhan (vegetables) buka nesheik ta yadi goya no, Troq chayo thurao zhuga malagh Sarhad hotela porik ta yadi goya no, Sora doyan shokolepi jihazo ticket milao no biru, Iskama chomi raha brik ta yadi goya no…shame on those who forget their past this soon, bravo Musharraf.
TA YADI GOYA NO (If you remember)
Pura yomun qaidi bik ta yadi goya no
Baran bare rawlaitu chokik ta yadi goya no
Kiawat alghanian wa kiawat afghanian prushta khuwar wa zalil bik ta yadi goya no
Afghanistano muxo talibanan nakhra ta yadi goya no
Dira oche aranduo hotela bas bik ta yadi goya no
Peshwora hotela hal biti ta jipo loh paisa no behchik ta yadi goya no
PIA o loq clerkanan ten chmbor bare alik ta yadi goya no
Hanoon rawlio muxen boghawa prushto hati sakhti ta yadi goya no
Arif, Karachi
Musharraf is a great leader, Insha Allah he will win the election NA-32. I will vote for Musharraf and also advise all my relatives and friends to vote him to power again.
@Afzal, Islamabad: I appreciate the rock star Chitrali boys like you for the way you people stand like a solid rock in exposing those who always try to grab every good chance through jugglery of words. This should be the spirit guys, keep it up – Utho meri dunya k garibon ko jaga do, Khak-e-umra k dar-o-diwar hila do.
Just look at these masterly brains who are out to exploit the masses through their sugar-coated, concocted, full of flattery, one-sided ideas which are far from reality. Such people used to be the favourits of kings long ago.
The Russian cause, allegiance, spying, traitor and what else I can say…a movement of eyebrow is enough for a wise man to understand. There is a lot more to reveal which we will not hold back if anybody especially the educated lot ever tried even by mistake to mislead the youth by imposing their tricky version to achieve their designs. Badban khulnei sei pehlei ka ishra deikhna, Mei sumander deikhti hoon tum kinara deikhna…I am sure you must desist from misguiding.
The days are gone when people used to regard Bhutto. I have not seen Bhutto era and why should I vote for him. The way his daughter Benazir Bhutoo ruled over Pakistan was worse. The skyrocketing inflation, corruption, nepotism, favouritism and all these bad things started when she came to power. Zardari has been haunting ujust because of Benazir. The bald guy is even worse because he knows nothing about politics. If anybody wants to support him, they must prepare themselves to accept him as their future ammirul mumineen. His hatred for Chitral is not privy to us all. It was Nawaz Sharif who once told Prince Mohiuddin that he will purchase thousands of prince like him. There is only one leader and that is Gen Musharraf, who can steer the country out of the prevailing crises confronting Pakistan. It was Musharraf who gave respect to Chitralis. He danced with them and it reflects his love for the people of Chitral. He gave you the voice to speak your heart out. Salim Khan of PPP must not forget his past and it is just because of Musharraf who reached at this stage. Besides, my advice to all those who after serving for over 35 years in Peshawar Development Authority (PDA) are trying to become our leader. This is a challenge for Chitralis to greet these people with rotten eggs and tomatos. And yes those who are out to bolster rather spoil the relations between Russia and Pakistan must stop talking tall or they will be badly exposed.
People of Mastuj and Ggaram Chashma have become sentimental regarding Gen.Musharaf. They think that ZAB started Lowari tunnel and Musharraf completed it. ZAB got votes of Chitralis many times due to that project and MUSH will get the same. Actual position is not that. ZAB was popular long long before this project.Why people of Lahore were burning themselves for the name of Bhuttoo, Why the people of Swat were loving that name.Why HUR people of Sanghar said that “head is for Pir but vote for Bhutto. All these love for ZAB was not due to Lowari tunnel.It was only because that man was a charismatic public leader having his hand on the pulse of the public.He had given the poor people of Pakistan courage to stand in front of privileged class which is present in every city and village of Pakistan. It was this courage given by that man to the poor people of Pakistan and the way that man embraced death with dignity that make that man different from others and that worked for so many years.But after so many years of rule, Gen Musharraf finds no single constituency for his election BUT DEAD BHUTTO’s name has been a winning symbol in every part of Pakistan for so many years.Now our ex MNA after his retirement wants to use Gen Musharraf”s name to bring his son in politics. Just imagine now an ex president/COAS is being used by an MNA. Therefore, I request my Chitrali brothers that if anyone wants to give vote to Gen Mush happily give his vote to him but please don’t compare him to BHUTTO.
People who are opposing Musharraf today are doing so for their own vested interests. Greed is a curse, there is a need to wage a jihad against all the political appointees of Awami National Party (ANP) in different government colleges and universities. The lucrative slots should be made available to the youngsters. Jiyo, jiyo, jiyo, jiyo, Musharraf….ham tumare saath hein!
Khush Amadid! Musharaf, I hope you will change the fate of Chitral after winning from here and the people who still overlook you they are indeed in the wrong way. You are the one who knew the geographical importance of Chitral to ling it the Central Asian countries which will definitely bring opportunities to the region. Long Live Musharaf. We are with you.
@Ijaz, Shipper Ali: I would rather say you must not be so emotional and should pray for Musharraf while travelling on Laspur road, constructed by none other than the former president. I do not belong to Laspur but I can still remember the dangerous road on which poor people of Laspur used to travel without knowing whether they reach home safe and sound. The NATCO bus service was another milestone of Gen Musharraf government. Now you can easily go to Balim by catching a NATCO bus without any trouble. You should not forget your past and the strike calls given by late Gul Wali Khan of Laspur and the protest demonstrations against the PPP and PML-N leader, on whom you take pride today.
My humble advice to Shipper Ali is that he must not forget the previous governments of PML-N, PPP and the MMA. As far the PTI, the poor Imran has no chance at all to win even a single seat in rural areas. He may get some seats and his clean sweep dream is nothing but like building castles in the air.
If you think the next government will be of PPP, PML-N or PTI will not even look towards Chitral, what to talk of development projects as it has been their track record throughout. The need of the hour is that Chitral must produce a leader who can fight for Chitralis, which no one else can do except Gen Musharraf – the commando, the champion, the fighter, the big man.
Everybody cannot become Musharraf. Why Mr ten percent, Gilani and Raja Rental did not even bother to pay a single visit to Chitral during their five years in power. One must stop talking tall. I am sorry to say that all the Chitrali politicians are drawing room leaders. They have no guts to lead. If you want me to apprise you further just listen that last month it was your former minister for population welfare, Salim Khan, a PPP jiyala and an accidental minister, who managed to meet the then interior minister Rehman Malik after waiting for complete eight days in Islamabad and that too by using all available safarish. If a sitting Chitrali minister could not meet the federal interior minister of his own party, you must not talk tall.
When someone opines that Musharraf has no chance of winning a seat, you roll back your sleeves and pick up an axe and run after him and then you are gracious enough to give your opinion that poor Imran Khan won’t win a single seat. Wow. My dear friend everyone has an opinion, which might be right or wrong, which you may like and may not. You must respect others opinion and submit your own to counter his opinion. That is called civilized debating, sharing views and opinions. I say IK will sweep the elections and Musharraf will not even be able to run for office and you say Musharraf will win and IK has no chance.
We disagree with each other but we both should respect each other’s opinion and acknowledge each other’s right to have that opinion. As French philosopher Voltaire said, ‘No opinion is worth burning your neighbor for’, do not burn your neighbor only for the reason that his opinion is different from you. To conclude another quote of Voltaire,’ I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.
I am from Chitral and I like Mushrraf and his efforts as a general and a defence and war planner but I would say,” Dry bread at home is better than roasted meat abroad…”We should recognize ourself as a nation in the interest of Chitral in the long run.
@Sardar Nawaz Khan: We tried everybody from cleric to sufi, from liberal to hardliner, from Sunni to Ismaili but all proved to be rotten eggs. We want Chitral to be at par with other developed parts of the country. The people who have the potential to serve the nation are not ready to come back and do you think we should rely on these molvis, thekhadars, dukandars, tahnedars, jamadars. We have become fed up of them. We want Musharraf as he is the only man who can lead Chitralis in a far better way compared to so-called leaders. You have worked for AKRSP and must not forget the conspiracies being hatched by these political pundits. What have they done for Chitral and Chitrali? You must remember crossing Chumarkhan gologh by putting your life at danger in summer. Forget about rest of the things, did any of these politicians ever helped in building a small bridge there to lessen the miseries of the area people. Just go down and you will remember the poor Khuzhik going home while traversing the rugged mountain of mukuro zom.
Everyone has the right to contest election from the constituency of his/her choice. Chitralis have been generous and had previously welcomed Nusrat Bhutto and Pyar Ali Allana. We should not waste our time in predication and speculations because politics is unpredictable.We should be optimistic about the media courage of our beautiful valley, the possibilities of tourism and even temporary employment and business opportunity from the possible contest of ex-president Pervez Musharraf.
I am not agreed with the view of some of the comments. An educated and wellknown people of Chitral are trying to hide the reality. I belong to Garam Chashma and want to say that my whole village and valley will vote for Musharaf because whe know the reality, we can’t hide it. He is the man who played an active role to connect Chitral with rest of Pakistan. Chitral was like a bottle, when the top was clossed no one could go out and come back. He was the man who made the hole in the tip of the bottle. Now we are free, anytime we can go to any part of the country and come back to Chitral. You all must know that how many Chitrali died in Lowari pass a year?? He saved our lives, now how can we ignore him, if he needs us. There are many places in Pakistan from where he can fight election. Why he chose Chitral ?? becauseE he trust the people of Chitral, he did more for us. He faced other politicians for us, now when our time has come we are trying to hide the realities. What other politicians did for Chitral?? Why I vote for them again, what will change them now or what they they will made if sent to power again?? How can I compare Musharaf with other politicians of Chitral?? Only those Chitrali know the importance of Musharaf who faced hardship or lost their loved ones in on Lowari pass. If you people vote for the cyclic political setup of Chitral, you can never bring change. I WILL VOTE FOR MUSHARAF… MUSHARAF ZINDABAD
Totally agree with Faizi sahib’s point of view. Mushraff will not be able to get more then 2,000 vote from Chitral, and I was shocked looking at the above comment about a man of Dr faizi calibre and my request to Ahmad is just present your own point of view without being too much emotional in favor of Mushraff and let wait for the results!
Throughout this article and above comments I will submit my opinion that we have to judge our future that how will things create benefits for Chitral. We have to think who ie Musharraf or our local leaders will serve Chitral better. We experimented our local leaders from a long time and now we can compare their hard work with the opportunities that were available. We have to compare their struggle and services as a Chitrali. This is the right time to think that what Musharraf can do for us? Tunnel has been completed! This is now an old topic and we are thankful to Musharraf for his kind interest to construct the tunnel. But now what we can expect from him and what opportunities he can provide for us in future? Comparing with others I am sure he will represent us better because of strong personality and powerful background, and he can make positive changes in Chitral. I will support that candidate who I think is capable to solve our issues. It will be our pleasure if Musharraf will represent us because he is world level personality.
I was shocked to see what a man like Inaytullah Faizi is talking about. He has been writing since long but his sweeping statement about Musharraf gives the impression as somebody completely unaware of the political chessboard of the valley from a backward area like Laspur speaks without knowing anything about this bloody politics. In the past some of the commentators tried to ridicule Dr Faizi but it was me who jumped into defend him. After going through his sweeping remarks about Musharraf’s election prospects from Chitral, I regret why I did. Had this been someone else, we would not have taken it so seriously but when a man of Faizi’s stature comes out with such [three] lame excuses which had nothing to do with Musharraf’s defeat, I am surprised. Now I am sure he is not a neutral analyst at all. I would like to ask Dr Faizi, “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time”. I would like to clarify that I am not a supporter of Gen Musharraf but we must accept the reality. The PPP’s five-year performance is in front of you. Salim Khan nei kya teer mara yeh ham sub jantei hein…Shazada Muhiuddin nei kya gul khilaya 25 salon mei, yeh b kyi dhaki chup bath nehi hei. And the pace of work at Lowari tunnel as claimed by Dr Faizi is also a well-thought-out ploy to fool Chitralis. The PPP decided to resume the work at the tunnel when elections were around the corner. The work at the mega project will be suspended again once the elections are over. The opening of Lowari tunnel would not have become possible if Musharraf had not taken the initiative. And now no other leader can accomplish the remaining work except Musharraf. My advice to Faizi is that he must not misguide the people.
In a democratic system, vote is the most powerful right of any individual. We should use this power wisely. We should give our vote and elect our leader from a party who will ultimately make the government so that our MNA or MPA is able to generate funds and carry out development activities. We should leave behind our personal likes and dislikes for individuals and focus on the larger national picture. Suppose we elect Musharraf our MNA and PML-N forms the government then what are the chances that our district will get any fund in the next five years? Or if PPP forms the government how can our MNA with his single seat in the NA carry out development activities in our district. The media, civil society and the literate population of Chitral should come forward and educate the voters that we should give our vote to any of the current three major political parties (PPP, PML-N or PTI). These parties have the chance of forming the government and thus our MNA will be from a ruling party and thus will grab huge amount of funds and will have easy access to the power corridors.
All of us shall take a deep breath and think: If we elect Musharraf will we be able to knock at his door any time and meet him with our problems? Will he be be easily accessible to the poor people of Chitral? Hailing from Karachi and having a house in Islamabad, how many days he will spend in Chitral in a year? Does he know what are our major problems and if he does not know who is going to meet him on a regular basis and tell him that?
PPP is in no shape to form the next government. PML-N has bright chance and PTI is also emerging as a major political party. Elect our representatives from either PML-N or PTI. We will have a bright chance of having an MNA or MPA from a ruling party and thus development in the next five years.
I do not agree with the observation of Dr Faizi that Musharraf will not be able to get more than 3,000 votes in Chitral. Secondly, comparing Musharraf with Abdul Akbar and Slim Khan is a humiliation for the former president who changed the life of the people of Chitral by constructing the Lowari tunnel. If Musharraf comes to Chitral for elections, he will win the seat with a landslide majority. Not only 30,000 he will get even more as the turnout will be much higher if Musharraf comes. But I would wait and see how the observation of Dr Faizi comes true.
You have given Mush a reality check.
He has all the qualities of a good leader and might be missing some political techniques. Unfortunately, Pakistani people vote without a vision and they are mostly blindly attached with traditional parties, without analyzing the core issues and problems of the country. While voting, we most take care of our vote that is very important for the progress of this state.
Based on this article, is it wise to infer that lower Chitral is undecided whereas upper Chitral is pro-Musharaf?
If the former president contests elections from our constituency i-e NA 32, he will win with a landslide victory. Before it had been Z.A. Bhutto who initiated work on Lowari Tunnel decades ago and thus earned the hearts of the people of this area till to date. But the Zardari-led PPP leadership badly failed to build people’s confidence in itself for it did not initiate any major uplift project in this area. Further, the PPP even remained very sluggish in completing the already launched projects. Luckily it was Musharaf who resumed the work on the elusive Lowari project and left it almost completed by the end of his regime. Besides this major project, the former dictator also showed his special love for Chitralis at different fora. Having all the aforesaid arguments, it is strongly believed that Musharaf’s defeat in NA-32 seems out of question, at least in the up-coming elections.