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Chitrali teacher passes CSS exam

CHITRAL, Oct 7: Alhaj Muhammad Khan, son of Wazir Muhammad Khan, of Charun village in upper Chitral, has qualified the written portion of the Central Superior Service (CSS) examination 2012.

Khan has done his master in political science from the Peshawar University and teaches at the Aga Khan Higher Secondary School in Kuragh. He has also been regularly contributing news and articles to ChitralToday for the last over three years.

It may be noted that 10,066 candidates had appeared in the CSS exam this year out of whom only 800 could get  through with the pass percentage of 7.9.–Waqar Ahmed

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  1. AM.Khan says

    Thank you all for your best wishes

  2. Azizur Rehman says

    Congratulations A.M Khan, keep it up my dear.
    Azizur Rehman
    Lecturer in Physics
    G.D.C, Booni Chitral

  3. Khalid Pervaiz says

    Alhaj Muhammad Khan has made a marvelous achievement qualifying the written part of CSS exams. I would like to congratulate him on his success and wish him all the best for interview and subsequent allocation.
    Khalid Pervaiz,
    Lecturer in English,

  4. Rabia AKHSSian says

    Congratulations Sir, we are proud to be your students and InshaAllah you will also definitely qualify the interview. Our prayers are with you.
    with best wishes.
    Rabia Akhssian

  5. Sariruddin (Daneen Gahtak) says

    Success never comes easy. So be proud and live it up. You earned this with your hard work. Hearty congrats for doing so well.but you finally made it to the end.

  6. AM.Khan says

    Thank You all and i will try my level best to come up your expectation Inshallah.

  7. Shafiqur-Rehman says

    Dear Alhaj many many congratulations for your success in CSS examination. Wish you best of luck for the next step (interview)..

  8. Afzal (Islamabad) says

    Congrats, garum aru zhan ma dost Haji sahib!

  9. Adnan Zainul Abiden says

    Dear Alhajj, Many many congratulations and best of luck for the steps ahead. We are really proud of you.

  10. Shahzad Nadeem says

    congrats dear….keep working hard and good luck.

  11. Munir Hussain Fatimi Zait says

    Congratulations dear.You made us all proud.

  12. Nazirul Haq says

    Congratulations Alhaj! and best of wishes for the next step!

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