Booni: Youth forum holds convention for students of upper Chitral
Report Alhaj Muhammad Khan
BOONI (CHITRAL), Aug 27: The three-day convention organized by Ispru Youth Forum for the students of upper Chitral concluded here today (Aug 27).
At the inaugural session, candles were lit and the participants were welcomed by the hosts. Secretary General of the forum Nazir Ul-Haq presented the aims and objectives of the convention and three-year performance of IYPC. On this day, G.D. Langland was awarded by the IYFC in recognition of his educational services for Chitral. Presentations on career, concept of self-employment and Chitrali culture were made by President IYFC Ahmad Hassan, Israr Uddin and students Arfa and Naila Banu respectively.
Rukhsana Jabeen was also awarded for qualifying PMS exam as representative daughter of Chitral. With the address of the guest speakers, Fazal Malik and Ehsan Ul-Haq the first day convention concluded.
On the next day, presentations on mental health, environment and our behaviour were made by students and environmentalist Rehmat Ali Jaffar Dost who also also spoke on environmental issues, challenges and the role of the students in this regard. Chief guest Mir Afzal also spoke after a penal discussion and creativity segment on the second day.
On the third and the concluding day of the convention, the Youth Parliament held its formal session and 12 resolutions identifying the problems for Chitrali youth with their proposed solutions were presented by the youth parliamentarians. IYFC assured the youth parliamentarians that it would forward their resolutions to the concerned authorities in both public and private sector for consideration. The guest speaker, Faizur Rehman on the occasion recalled his time and compared the problems at that time in the way of education and challenges in this global world for competing internationally. He also forwarded his support for the promotion of youth and care for girls and showed his deep concern about the prevalent education system in Pakistan.
Speaking on the occasion, political and social figure Syed Sardar Hussain said, “What we have learned here should be disseminated to others.” He also told the gathering about keeping three edges; Brain, Heart and Hands active and shared the story of Mehmud Ghaznavi while speaking on the developing trends of suicide among students being hopeless and despondent. “Everyone is trying to own the Chitrali cap though we are the real owner, we also should own it,” he said while talking about the unique culture of Chitral.
Ms. Caroline, a German anthropologist, was also present on the occasion and she elucidated the so-called developed and developing countries and misconception prevalent about it. “‘There is nothing at all as such we think that is the influence, dominance and colonial background,” she said. She also forwarded her invitation for cultural exchanges and expressed her deep amazement on the frankness, tolerance, humility and creativity in Pakistan which she never found in Germany.
In his concluding remarks, Ehsan Ul-Haq thanked Ms Caroline and spoke on the unique stature of Chitrali and its people from the rest of the world. He said a great potential of Chitrali was that people here love education. He requested Ms Caroline to help bring researchers to Chitral for conducting researches here. While speaking about the forum, he said that it should be inclusive in its nature and the participants of this forum should comes in the proper process of selection and emphasized on rights-based approach in life. “Talent is not an endowment in itself, it is conditioned by hard work and devotion’ he said while emphasizing the hard work for the self-development and promotion of healthy society.” IYFC also gave assignments to the participants and the judges also selected Zakir Ahamd and Arfa among the boys and girls participants in historical dress up of Chitral and finally this convention concluded with the distribution of certificates, shields to the participants and guests.]]>
We are contented to see and hear about the new website about our Beautiful Chitral
Thanks to the youth who have made endeavor to bring the information about Chitral to the global village.
Shams Ali Shah
kudos to Nazir bhai and his entire team members for arranging such a wonderful programe for our youth. Mr. Alhaj Muhammad and richly deserves our appreciation for reporting this important event to chitraltoday. I say shabash to my students Arfa and Naila for bringing colour to traditional chitrali dress.
One thing for the last few months I have been observing is that the esteemed e-paper is very much active to provide coverage to the issues, challenges and achievements occurring in Chitral and I would also forward my hats off to the youth journalists and freelance columnists for their great services for Chitral. Providing such coverage to the youths will be a kind of encouragement for them for further their tasks with more dedication. Keep it up
This was really a good and fruitful programme for the youth of Chitral. I himself noticed and observed it being part of it. such kind of conventions should be organized to guide, train and counsel the students for the future and media should give it proper coverage is has been given to it. We are forwarding our thanks to for his services.
Congratulations to the management and leadership of Ispru for organizing such a creative and productive event. They have an example for other student and youth organizations. We all are proud of you and wish you good luck and success.
bo jam khur de nough ispate upload koror ispa tan mulkar duderi bo shawqo sora hamitan lalisian.
Love You Ma Chitrali Peoplezzzzzz