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Lowari, other roads blocked as rain/snowfall continued

AYUN: The rain and snowfall that started on Monday continued on Tuesday across Chitral, blocking roads to different parts of the two districts.

Moreover, two houses were also damaged in Garam Chashma valley due to the heavy rain and snowfall. The houses belonged to Sher Afzal in Ucho Gol and Mrs Bibi, daughter of Mirza in Murdan.

Reports gathered by ChitralToday showed that Lowari tunnel approach roads, Garam Chashma, Kalash valleys and Shishi Koh are blocked due to avalanches, landsliding and flooding in mullahs.

A stream in the Dir side of the Lowari tunnel that was cleared by removal debris by the Upper Dir administration was again flooded and closed for traffic.

As a result, passenger vehicles are stranded on both sides of the tunnel, the office of the deputy commissioner Lower Chitral confirmed. Roads were also closed in Drosh town and nearby areas due to flooding in mullahs.

Meanwhile, there are reports about snowfall in upper parts of Yarkhun, Torkhow and other areas.

With the continuous rain, a cold wave has again gripped Chitral and people are confined to their homes. The prices of firewood has also increased. Moreover, there are high likelihood of mudslidibg, rock falling and landsliding and people are taking avoiding unnecessary travelling.–Muhkam Uddin Ayuni

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