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Burn & trauma centre building left unutilized

CHITRAL: The burn and trauma centre at the District Headquarters (DHQ) Hospital Chitral, which was completed with German funding three years ago, could not be made operational due to non-appointment of staff by the provincial government.

As a result, there are still no facilities to treat burn victims whose number has been on the rise. A few days ago, eight family members were burnt in Ayun and they were referred to Peshawar where two of them passed away.–GH Farooqui

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  1. Shahid says

    News is not complete. The burn and trauma center has been transformed into operation theater.

  2. Wg Cdr (r) Fardad Ali Shah says

    The inauguration board in the picture is a perfect sign of how boards should be. It just mentions the appointment of the guest who inaugurated it, not the name.
    A law should be passed that no inaugural boards on projects undertaken with public money should carry the name of the guest/VIP, may he be the President, PM or CM or any one.. Only the appointment need be mentioned like in the above picture.
    Also no electricity pole, bridge or building made with public money be allowed to be painted in any political party flag colours. We must learn to follow practices of civilised countries.

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