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Chitral's prominent educationist laid to rest

Lot Sir 1 Azizur Rehman was the founder and managing director of the famous Drosh Public School which he raised in early ’80s. That time there was no mushroom growth of private educational institutes rather setting up any private institute was aimed at providing quality education to the children. Drosh Publich School was the second private school in Chitral and the premier in the Drosh town. Azizur Rehman torched the light of education in this backward area and hundreds of students graduated from this prestigious institute and are serving in different fields of life. The funeral of Azizur Rehman was attended by a large number of people, politicians, district nazim Haji Maghfirat Shah, district naib nazim Maulana Abdus Shakor, bureaucrats and people from different walks of life besides huge number of his students. ]]>

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