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New UC members asked to work for promotion of education

bssAmong the participants were the elected members of the district and tehsil councils, general councilors, peasant councilors and youth councilors). Notables of the area, parents, teachers and the students were present. Mr.Ghulam Mustafa, member District Council from UC Kosht was the chief guest while Mr. Ahsan Ullah, Principal BSS Kosht, presided over the event. Director Academics BSS Mr. Noor Saba welcomed the gathering, and expressed his contentment in congratulating the elected leaders of the area and wished them success on behalf of BSS. He hoped that the newly-elected members would play their due role in the area with major focus on education, as it is implied, as the only way to get rid of all the evils from the society and a real source of success in this world and hereafter. Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Ghulam Mustafa applauded the steps taken by BSS to organize the event. He said that this event would be one of its kind ever arranged to encourage the elected leaders not merely in Chitral but throughout the province. He hoped that, it would help revitalize the enthusiasm of his team in harnessing their potentials for the development of union council Kosht. He eulogized the services rendered by the forefathers of BSS family for the promotion of education in the area. He was of the view that their great grandfather was among the pioneers who established a school in the Area for the first time. As a goodwill gesture, Mr. Mustafa assured BSS of every kind of support. Furthermore; he urged the public to own the institution, because, it has been extending quality education to the community at affordable cost at their door step and will continue to do so for the holistic development of the area. bss2Mr. Saad Roomi, an eminent educationist, founder and principal of Islamia Model School Bumbagh, said BSS was striving to maintain honesty, integrity and impartiality in their state of affairs. He opined that, teacher recruitment in BSS was completely based on meritocracy that deterred nepotism, which has impaired the existing educational system. Moreover, he explicitly informed the gathering of the enabling environment which BSS is struggling to provide to the students in the form of competent faculty, well equipped laboratory and full-fledged library with the required infrastructure. Mr. Mustansiruddin, Director Community Development BSS, while felicitating the members expressed the expectations, which, the people of the area have on the young leaders. He reiterated the need of serving the masses in the best interest of the area. He added that, BSS would extend any kind of help to them from the community development forum to serve the area as and when required. Mr. Mahmoud Qadir, general councilor Union council Morder, expressed his gratitude for arranging the programme. He extolled Managing Director BSS Kosht for his untiring efforts for the development of the area. He urged the students to put their best so that, their future would be secured. Among the public, Mr.Mirza Aman, a social worker from kosht came to the stage and talked about the progress of the institution. He was of the view that, so far, the college was doing well and anticipated that, it would be doing more to reach the height of success. The elected representatives also expressed their views and showed enthusiasm to work for the betterment of the area. They urged the public to cooperate with them, so that; it would help them to serve the public in a better way. The principal BSS, Mr.Ihsanullah in his presidential address congratulated the elected members and thanked the gathering for their kind presence. While presenting the progress of college, he showed urgency for the parents to attend the parent’s teacher meeting. He reiterated that, the parents must have a check on their children progress both in college and at home for their brilliant success. Mr. Naman Zain Ul Abidin, Administrator BSS Kosht, while presenting his concluding address, showed his deepest appreciation on behalf of management of BSS Kosht for the guests and public who attended the event. He informed the audience that the event was earlier proposed by managing director BSS Mr. Adnan Zain Ul Abidin with a theme to welcome the newly-elected representatives of our UC and to apprise them of their responsibilities in view of revised local government system through some experts, which couldn’t be materialized due to harsh weather conditions in Chitral. He shared the vision of BSS for eradication of illiteracy among the masses and provision of quality education to the youth at affordable cost. He hoped that, the new elected representatives will come up to the expectations of the electorate for minimizing the miseries of the communities through developmental and awareness initiatives. He also thanked the audience for their participation in such a large number.]]>

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