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Gratitude and the Holy Quran

By Sher Wali Khan Aseer

We express gratitude many times with its synonyms but, very few of us are fully conscious about its deep meaning and the magical nature. We, Muslims, in particular and followers of other big religions- Christianity, Judaism and Buddhism, superficially, understand its meaning, just to reciprocate for the good thing somebody has given us.

We are ignorant about its magical effect, though. Outwardly, we feel glad when hear someone saying ‘thank you’ to us for some act or favour. Similarly, our thanks giving to others make us feel that we are thankful people. So far, our religious practices are concerned, we pray or fast or pay zakat or perform pilgrimage just as our obligations, commanded by our God. We believe that if we do not perform these obligations, we will be punished; we’ll be deprived of the promised life of Paradise after this temporal life; or, our worship is for some worldly gains, for wealth, for success, for children and so on.
I was ashamed as a Muslim when I read ‘THE MAGIC’ written by the famous writer, Rhonda Byrne. The book was gifted to me by my loving daughter Dr. Zubeda Sirang, but its title didn’t attract me because of my disbelief in magic, and therefore, I put it in the cupboard and forgot. Sometimes latter, she reminded me whether I read the book or not. This time I was to read it with half heart. And amazingly enough, I found it as a guide book to my own religion, Islam.

It guided me to re-study the Holy Book, Qur’an, relating the Holy Sayings of our Prophet (May Allah Peace be upon him) and the Imams and saints. It revealed to me the essence of prayers, invocations and gratitude. It told me that I had been totally ignorant of the Messages of my Lord, His Messengers and the Imams, and as such I have been an ungrateful person.

The author of this book has given references from the Old Scriptures, The Quran , the traditions of the holy Prophet and great scholars of the world and her personal experience to convince that the only solution to our worldly problems is remembrance of the blessings of God and practical expression of gratitude for His blessings, already bestowed upon the human being. She says that one should make this “thanks giving” as an integral part of one’s life.
Our Holy Book, the Quran, has already guided the Muslims throughout its pages, but it is unfortunate that a very low percentage of us grasp and follow the true Divine Message.
Here are a few clear examples from the Holy Book: After reminding us of His blessings, Allah, The Almighty wants gratefulness from His slaves, saying: “Truly, We created man from a drop of thickened fluid to test him; Then We endowed him with hearing and vision. Truly, We have shown him the way, be he grateful or ungrateful [or disbeliever]”. [ Al-Dahr, Ayat 2,3]
Characterizing the “grateful” Revelation continues:
“They keep their vow and fear a day where of the evil is wide-spreading,
And feed with food the needy, the orphan and the prisoner, for love of Him,
[saying] we feed you, for the sake of God only. We seek no reward nor thanks from you;[Al-Dahr..7-9]” In Ayat, 25, 26 of the same Surat, Allah further reiterates His Command to the grateful: “And invoke the Name of thy Lord at morning and evening. And worship Him [apportion] of the night. And glorify Him through the livelong night”. “And We shall ease thy way unto the state of ease. Therefore remind, for of use is reminder. He will heed who feareth”. [ Al- A’la, 8,9,10]
For gaining spiritual growth of a soul, remembrance or invocation is must;
“…….He is successful who growth, And remembers the name of his Lord, so prays” [Al-A’la, 14,15].
Addressing the Prophet [SallaLahu alaihi wasllim]. in Al-Muzammil, Allah says,
“O thou enwrapped in thy cloak, Stand in prayer all night, save a little-a half thereof, or lesson it a little, or add to it, and recite the Qur’an in measured recitation. We shall charge thee with a weighty word. Indeed impressions are more keen, and penetrating, during the night. Truly, by day thou hast many duties, So invoke the Name of thy Lord and devote thyself to him with utter devotion.” [ Ayat 1-8]
“And a soul and Him Who perfected it. And inspired it what is wrong for it and what is right for it.
He is indeed successful who causeth it to grow, and he is a failure who stuneth it.” [Al-Shams, 7-11].
“Thy Lord hath not forsaken thee nor He hates thee ; And verily the hereafter will be better for thee than this life; And verily thy Lord wilt give unto thee so that thou wilt be content.
Did He not find thee an orphan and protect the? Did He not find thee wandering and direct thee?
Did He not find thee destitute and enrich thee? Therefore the orphan oppress not, therefore the beggar drive not away; Therefore of the grace of thy Lord be thy discourse.” [ Al-Duha- 3-11].
“But indeed after hardship cometh ease, Indeed after hardship cometh ease.
So when thou are relieved, still strive; And long for thy Lord with ardent desire.”[Al- Inshirah.. 5-8]
“Truly man is an ingrate unto his Lord”.[Al-Adyat- 6].
”Indeed, man is in a state of loss; Save those who believe and perform virtuous deeds and exhort one another to truth and exhort one another to patience”.[Al Asr-2,3]
Surat Al-Ma’un explains the disbeliever,” Hast thou observed him who belieth religion? That is he who repellieth the orphan; And urges not the feeding of the needy. So woe unto worshippers, who are heedless of their prayer; Who would be seen [at worship]. Yet refuse small kindnesses![Al-Ma’un 1- 7]
These verses and many more urge and guide us for invocation or remembrance of God for His blessings, through helping orphans and needy people; through invocations and prayers. 

This is possible if we love Him and recognize His blessings throughout our lives. When we love Him, we will remember Him and when we remember Him, we thank Him. This wholehearted thanks giving is the solution of all kinds of problems we face in our day to day life. This practice should continue through our lives. Whenever we face tough situation, either due to bad health, shortage of money, breaking relations, then instead of whining, wailing and complaining, we are to remember the sound health, the pleasing moments and other blessings we have enjoyed earlier and express our heartiest gratitude to Allah. Thus we’ll overcome the instant problem.

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1 Comment
  1. Khalid Hussani says

    I must say, thank you sir, for reminding us about the facts of life.
    Thank’s God for His blessings.

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