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Floriculture Society set up

CHITRAL, May 31: Chitral Floriculture Society was established here the other day in a gathering of prominent citizens. The function was presided over by Maqsoodul Mulk. Maj Kazmi was chief guest. Those who spoke on the occasion included Maula Nigah,Yousuf Shahzad, Jinnah Laal, Gamburi Khan,Salahuddin, Maj Kazmi and Maqsoodul Mulk. The speakers stressed the need to project Chitral as a land of flowers and the flower loving people. Shahzada Maqsoodul Mulk was elected as the founding chairma of the society. Other office-bearers include: Vice-Chairman Tanveerul Mulk, General Gecretary Dr. Irshad Ahmad Khan and Treasurer Qazi Fazle Maabood.–Salahuddin]]>

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  1. Dolat Khan says

    I would like to suggest collection of all wild flowers, seeds, from all over Chitral mountains, forests.

  2. Aziz Ali says

    Good news and a very healthy initiative to further ameliorate Chitral with promoting indigenous and exotic flowers. Just to mention and as recognition of the relevant work being done by Shahzada of Ayun Khoshahmad ul Mulk, over the years he is untiringly working on promoting autumn color and hues in Chitral through developing and multiplying various fruits and wild tree species having diverse hue and color in autumn. This newly established Floriculture Society Chitral needs a pattern like Shahzada of Ayun; he spends all his life in collecting fruits and wild plants/flowers/climbers, herbs and successfully demonstrated them in his Ayun garden. His interest, knowledge and technical skills of raising different plant species will definitely add value to the objectives and practical work of newly established Floriculture Society Chitral and at the same time the valuable knowledge and skill of plants can also be transferred to the young generation of Chitral to take the project further and make Chitral more charming and beautiful for its people and tourists.

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