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Kalash population in three valleys decreases to 23pc

CHITRAL: The population of the Kalash tribe has decreased to 23pc in the three valleys of Bumburate, Rumbur and Birir in Chitral.

A recent survey conducted in the Kalash valleys highlighted a clear demographic distinction between the indigenous Kalash community and the Muslim population. The total population of the three Bumburate, Rumbur and Biriri valleys stands at 17,898 with the Kalash community accounting for 4,109 individuals (23pc) and the Muslims comprising 13,789 individuals (77pc).

Minhasudin, Director General of the Kalash Valleys Development Authority (KVDA), confirmed the survey report which included demographic profiling as a critical component for future planning. He said the survey also delved into the issues, resources and opportunities of the valleys, providing an authentic and actionable document for development efforts in the region.

The survey’s findings showed the following population distribution:

  • Bumburate: Total population: 7,106; Muslim 5,304 (74.7pc), Kalash, 1,802 (25.3pc).
  • Rumbur: Total population: 6,567: Muslims: 5,090 (77.5pc); Kalash 1,477 (22.5%).
  • Birir: Total population: 4,225; Muslims 3,395 (80.3pc); Kalash 830 (19.7pc).

The Kalash, known for their unique cultural and religious traditions, are an indigenous community whose population remains relatively small compared to the larger Muslim majority in the area.

The updated demographic data is expected to guide policymakers and development organizations in crafting initiatives tailored to address the specific needs of the Kalash community while fostering sustainable development in the valleys.

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