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Equality & empowerment for women

Sabahat Rahim Baig

No nation can rise to the height of glory unless your women are side by side with you.

People think that women empowerment is a foreign agenda but it is only misconception. If we regard our glorious Quran it would be clear. Allah SWA directs proper treatment to women in Surah-An-Nisa: “Fear Allah through whom you demand your mutual (rights) and (revere) the wombs (that bore you) for Allah ever watches over you.”
Even today we discriminate between son and daughter, it begins in our homes; if there is only one egg and it has to be given to someone then it is absolutely given to the son and the daughter is told to be patient, implying she is inferior and everything belongs to the son and she will go to her home one day.

The son thinks he is dominant that’s why in future he refuses to give the share of property to his sister. At this time if the mother says that there is only one egg and it is for both of you to eat together then the son will understand that my sister is just as entitled as I am.
Of course, each of us will become a mother and we have to change the concept of male dominancy.
We need to promote the fulfilment of women potential through education.
There are 130 million children in the world who are not enrolled in primary school and 70 per cent of them are girls.
And also, women are not allowed to pursue higher education, they are married off early. Most importantly, the shame of divorce and abuse must be thrown out of the window.
Women stay in an abusive relationship just because of the fear of society. Parents must teach their daughters it is okay to come home taking divorce rather than in a coffin.
We need to empower such women to speak up for themselves and take a step to eliminate inequalities between men and women as soon as possible.

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