I wonder about the mentality of all you lobbying for a civil servant- a dco in this case to remain at his present posting for life time. Please note down this point that a civil servant cannot stay for long in a certain district. Just see where this person in question i.e. dco was before coming to chitral? He was perhaps posted for sometimes in Abbottabad, then for even shorter period in Peshawar and so on. Believe me heavens are not going to fall when he goes out. So instead of this personality focused campaign, just concentrate your energies on the matter, that whoever comes next should be as honest as this one or even better. Try to strengthen the institution of the office of DCO and not start making a deity out of a personality. If you think he is doing a good job, then better leave the challenge to the incoming DCO to prove himself. No officer can remain posted as DCO forever, there are promotions, public interest and there are exigencies of service. May be, the provincial govt is facing difficult situation in another district of KP and the services of the dco are direly needed in that district keeping in view the public interest. To cut it short, if you think the DC is doing wonders in the district then correct title for any article like this should be “Why Chitral needs a DC like warriach” who can be Mr. Tom, Dick or Harry, but the essentials qualities of Mr. warriach should be in that DC as well.
Akhtar Ali says
The present DC may have shown occasional bouts of immaturity but by and large he is an honest and straight officer, seldom experienced in Chitral.
Iftikhar ahmad says
Dear all
I am very much surprised on comments of siraj ul mulk to support and influence the kpk govt about the transfer of DC.
He never thinks about the interest of chitral. if it is not true why siraj never voiced against corruption in district as he is and was head of many NGOs and board. he never utilized his cards and play role for development. DC is govt servant and should be transferred after a certain time of service.
All my respected chitrali community plz we need change in our political system and get rid all of these outdated leaders.thnks.
karim ullah says
زلزلہ متاثرین کے لئے جاری کردہ اسی کروڑ روپے سے زائد رقم خردبرد ہوگئی۔ سولروں کی تقسیم میں بڑے پیمانے پر ہیراپھیری ہوئی۔ سی ڈی ایل ڈی کے فنڈز کا آدھا حصہ بھی استعمال نہیں ہوا حالانکہ یہ رقم پچھلے سال کے سیلاب کے بعد متاثرہ علاقوں کی بحالی کے لئے جاری ہوا تھا۔
Ali Nigah Jan says
Indeed Shahzada saab our DC is really a philanthropic, fair and descent individual from whom we expect the prosperity of Chitral. The initiative which have been taken are really praiseworthy like Public Park in a month, better school system and coachign classes for Medical and engineering etc.
There should be no politics in transferring our great leader.
The govt may transfer the govt servant on account of two reason 1). inefficiency or misbehavior 2). On written request
Here we want to know on which base DC Osama is likely to be posted out of Chitral? Majority of Chitrali are agree including myself with Siraj Ul Mulk “if Govt want to do something to improve the live of Chitral send us Best Deputy Commissioner, the best Commandant of Chitral Scouts and the best DPO.”
During short span of time as DC he done marvelous job including anti encroachment drive, sanitation, cultural development & many more.
We demand to KP chief Minster Secretariat not to indulge DC Osama transfer.
Zaheer Ud Din Baber
Senior Member National Youth Assembly for Chitral
Reply ↓
Samad Khan says
Muhibur Rehman Terichwi is a loyal son of Chitral. We are sure he would take legal action against any kind of political interference in public service delivery.
Ali Khan says
The JI wants a DC like Amin ul Haq, ranker, least educated and yes boss man. Amin ul Haqs contribution and accepting JI illegal demands was the major reason for Maghfirat Shahs success in district elections. 100 percent sure they will never like some one like Mr.Waraich, professional and educated leading the adminstration.
Rehmat Hussain says
This is non issue better to discuss on issues, he is Govt servant and its a part of job comes & Goes.Let them go better to discuss on other issue. He has done good job during his tenure and people will remember Osama sb in Good wards.
Transfer of any govt servant is made on the basis of two grounds, one is completion of tenure and second is under punishment. In both cases DC Chitral is not liable to transfer from Chitral. Secondly PTI change agents always claim that they will not allow any type of political interference in case of transfer and posting. Although PTI high-ups are master of U-turns but in case of posting they must follow their claim. DC Chitral is honest and hardworking as well as competent officer. He has vision to develop the district which is almost neglected by PTI provincial govt. In this grim situation DC Chitral is doing his best to utilize available resources for development of the District. Yes there might be mafias and who have no love lost for DC and might be trying to transfer this honest officer because he is big hurdle in the way of their vested interest. After all we hope that DC Osama Ahmad Waraich will remain in Chitral and continue his agenda to provide relief to the neglected, marginalized and down-trodden district of Chitral which is completely neglected by provincial govt.
Under the very law made by the PTI for a LG system, all dept heads including the DC should work under the district nazim and can be removed/replaced by the nazim or in consultation with him. But as JI and for that matter all other political parties are known for their favouritism and have always worked on grounds of self interests, such a law should not and cannot be implemented in letter and spirit.
Though funds allocated by province for districts are managed by DDAC with an elected MPA heading it the DC has no major role in development of any district. But again as the elected representatives have failed in this work and have been fighting each other over petty issues, bureaucrats are taking advantage of it and calling the shots. It is also strange that many people including well-known personalities are creating an impression that no development can be dreamnt of without a good DC, DPO and commandant Chitral Scouts. This is like the propaganda in the whole country that politicians of all shades and colors are corrupt, thieves and incapable of governing the country and only the solution to all the ills and issues of the nation is the army.
We should discourage such thinking because sustainable development can only be achieved if people at the grassroots level are given power in a democratic way through the local govt system bcoz a bureaucrat has his own interest and priorities and can hardly understand the dynamics of a particular area where he has come for the first time.
The only point I would be opposing the transfer of Waraich at this stage is it has reportedly been orchestrated by the district nazim belonging to JI which seems he again has vested interest and the DC might not be toeing his lines.
best wishes
Nadir Khan Raza
Samad says
Wish if the district nazim could also think on the same lines, keeping in view the development of Chitral, the backwardness of the area could have been easily addressed to a great extent.
I wonder about the mentality of all you lobbying for a civil servant- a dco in this case to remain at his present posting for life time. Please note down this point that a civil servant cannot stay for long in a certain district. Just see where this person in question i.e. dco was before coming to chitral? He was perhaps posted for sometimes in Abbottabad, then for even shorter period in Peshawar and so on. Believe me heavens are not going to fall when he goes out. So instead of this personality focused campaign, just concentrate your energies on the matter, that whoever comes next should be as honest as this one or even better. Try to strengthen the institution of the office of DCO and not start making a deity out of a personality. If you think he is doing a good job, then better leave the challenge to the incoming DCO to prove himself. No officer can remain posted as DCO forever, there are promotions, public interest and there are exigencies of service. May be, the provincial govt is facing difficult situation in another district of KP and the services of the dco are direly needed in that district keeping in view the public interest. To cut it short, if you think the DC is doing wonders in the district then correct title for any article like this should be “Why Chitral needs a DC like warriach” who can be Mr. Tom, Dick or Harry, but the essentials qualities of Mr. warriach should be in that DC as well.
The present DC may have shown occasional bouts of immaturity but by and large he is an honest and straight officer, seldom experienced in Chitral.
Dear all
I am very much surprised on comments of siraj ul mulk to support and influence the kpk govt about the transfer of DC.
He never thinks about the interest of chitral. if it is not true why siraj never voiced against corruption in district as he is and was head of many NGOs and board. he never utilized his cards and play role for development. DC is govt servant and should be transferred after a certain time of service.
All my respected chitrali community plz we need change in our political system and get rid all of these outdated leaders.thnks.
زلزلہ متاثرین کے لئے جاری کردہ اسی کروڑ روپے سے زائد رقم خردبرد ہوگئی۔ سولروں کی تقسیم میں بڑے پیمانے پر ہیراپھیری ہوئی۔ سی ڈی ایل ڈی کے فنڈز کا آدھا حصہ بھی استعمال نہیں ہوا حالانکہ یہ رقم پچھلے سال کے سیلاب کے بعد متاثرہ علاقوں کی بحالی کے لئے جاری ہوا تھا۔
Indeed Shahzada saab our DC is really a philanthropic, fair and descent individual from whom we expect the prosperity of Chitral. The initiative which have been taken are really praiseworthy like Public Park in a month, better school system and coachign classes for Medical and engineering etc.
There should be no politics in transferring our great leader.
The govt may transfer the govt servant on account of two reason 1). inefficiency or misbehavior 2). On written request
Here we want to know on which base DC Osama is likely to be posted out of Chitral? Majority of Chitrali are agree including myself with Siraj Ul Mulk “if Govt want to do something to improve the live of Chitral send us Best Deputy Commissioner, the best Commandant of Chitral Scouts and the best DPO.”
During short span of time as DC he done marvelous job including anti encroachment drive, sanitation, cultural development & many more.
We demand to KP chief Minster Secretariat not to indulge DC Osama transfer.
Zaheer Ud Din Baber
Senior Member National Youth Assembly for Chitral
Reply ↓
Muhibur Rehman Terichwi is a loyal son of Chitral. We are sure he would take legal action against any kind of political interference in public service delivery.
The JI wants a DC like Amin ul Haq, ranker, least educated and yes boss man. Amin ul Haqs contribution and accepting JI illegal demands was the major reason for Maghfirat Shahs success in district elections. 100 percent sure they will never like some one like Mr.Waraich, professional and educated leading the adminstration.
This is non issue better to discuss on issues, he is Govt servant and its a part of job comes & Goes.Let them go better to discuss on other issue. He has done good job during his tenure and people will remember Osama sb in Good wards.
Transfer of any govt servant is made on the basis of two grounds, one is completion of tenure and second is under punishment. In both cases DC Chitral is not liable to transfer from Chitral. Secondly PTI change agents always claim that they will not allow any type of political interference in case of transfer and posting. Although PTI high-ups are master of U-turns but in case of posting they must follow their claim. DC Chitral is honest and hardworking as well as competent officer. He has vision to develop the district which is almost neglected by PTI provincial govt. In this grim situation DC Chitral is doing his best to utilize available resources for development of the District. Yes there might be mafias and who have no love lost for DC and might be trying to transfer this honest officer because he is big hurdle in the way of their vested interest. After all we hope that DC Osama Ahmad Waraich will remain in Chitral and continue his agenda to provide relief to the neglected, marginalized and down-trodden district of Chitral which is completely neglected by provincial govt.
Shahzada sb… Good on u keep it up, amazing thoughts in the interest of our lovely chitral. May Almighty God bless you more and more.regardsn
Under the very law made by the PTI for a LG system, all dept heads including the DC should work under the district nazim and can be removed/replaced by the nazim or in consultation with him. But as JI and for that matter all other political parties are known for their favouritism and have always worked on grounds of self interests, such a law should not and cannot be implemented in letter and spirit.
Though funds allocated by province for districts are managed by DDAC with an elected MPA heading it the DC has no major role in development of any district. But again as the elected representatives have failed in this work and have been fighting each other over petty issues, bureaucrats are taking advantage of it and calling the shots. It is also strange that many people including well-known personalities are creating an impression that no development can be dreamnt of without a good DC, DPO and commandant Chitral Scouts. This is like the propaganda in the whole country that politicians of all shades and colors are corrupt, thieves and incapable of governing the country and only the solution to all the ills and issues of the nation is the army.
We should discourage such thinking because sustainable development can only be achieved if people at the grassroots level are given power in a democratic way through the local govt system bcoz a bureaucrat has his own interest and priorities and can hardly understand the dynamics of a particular area where he has come for the first time.
The only point I would be opposing the transfer of Waraich at this stage is it has reportedly been orchestrated by the district nazim belonging to JI which seems he again has vested interest and the DC might not be toeing his lines.
best wishes
Nadir Khan Raza
Wish if the district nazim could also think on the same lines, keeping in view the development of Chitral, the backwardness of the area could have been easily addressed to a great extent.