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Senate chairman seeks report on visa denial to Carey Schofield

By Zulfiqar Ahmad
ISLAMABAD, July 7: The issue of visa denial to Carey Schofield, the British principal of Langlands School and College Chitral, on Tuesday echoed in Senate, prompting the chairman Mian Raza Rabbani to issue directives to the interior ministry to submit him a report.

Speaking on a point of order in Senate on Tuesday, Senator Samina Abid of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) said the British lady who had abandoned her luxurious lifestyle for the betterment of our young generation is being punished without any reason.
Chitral, the most backward district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, she added, had produced some excellent boys and girls after Langlands School and College was opened by a former deputy commissioner.
She said the Cambridge qualified lady took over the school two years back after the retirement of Major GD Langlands. She sacked some teachers who were considered to be a liability on the institution, adding Langlands was exploited by them for their own vested interest.
Senator Samina said Major Langlands had undoubtedly rendered great services for Chitral but at this stage when his right hand does not know what his left hand is doing, he was taken to Chitral by the sacked teachers to stage a coup on the school, creating unrest among the people.
The way Langlands was compelled to make announcements, she added, restoring the sacked teachers and terminating the services of Carey Schofield as principal of school is self-explanatory that how an honourable man was disgraced.
Senator Samina said the confession by GD Langlands that he was forced to put his signatures on six papers by the deputy commissioner and one of the sacked teachers indicated that how he was allegedly misguided by the sacked teachers.

Chairman Senate Raza Rabbani took serious note of the matter and direcetd the leader of the house in Senate Raja Zafarul Haq to consult the interior minister Chaudhary Nisar Ali Khan and report back to the house.
Raja Zafarul Haq assured the house that he would personally contact the interior minister and would apprise the house as soon as possible. He said the government had a stated policy that there would be no compromise on education of children.
Talking to this correspondent after the Senate session, Ms Samina said she would personally pursue the case and would even see the interior minister if needed. She expressed optimism that the interior minister, who is also one of Major Langlands fomer pupils, would resolve the issue if he comes to know that the author of the letter was not Major Langlands.

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  1. waseem abbas says

    pura chitral o sora selab musibat biti nazil biti sher…….roy musibata asuni…aur Nazar aur irshad javed ……hami ju sahiban Carey o armana briyunian…..

  2. wazir zada says

    Of cource we want back Carey Back
    Thanks Samina Abid a brave daughter of Chitral.Until and unless the DC is not transferred issues like these can’t be settled in correct way. Chaudry Nisar should be asked to investigate first the act of DC which he has forced GD Langland to sign the 6 blank papers…. and it goes and touch the millions bank account in the name of the school,,, I am sorry to say that with support of Jamat e Islami the DC has been in Chitral as liability like those liabilities teachers of GD Langland school……. Samina Abid must take up the issue with KPK Chief Minister as soon as possible.

    1. Sayed Shamsu Nazar Fatimi says

      GD Langland was real philanthropist, humanist and service provider. He rendered his for the sake of promoting education in this area,
      After his reetirement and age he Identified ms. carey Schofield for this Job. Carey Schofield sacrifying her comfortable life choose to serve in this under developed and un attracted area inspite of security risk and and many uncomfortable situations.
      She is determind to continue her efforts to serve the humanity through education mission and it is her vision to enlighten the area and the institution by playing her constructive Role.
      GD Langland was Not founder of the school Nor he was owner of the school, but he was contributor as now Carey Schofield is contributor and mobilizer.
      We have no service record, But we should not interfere if any one deliver services on any ground to the humanity, education and philanthropy.
      As far CM and DCO Chitral is concerned, well they are masters in the works and matters NOT concerned to them, and failed performers in their own jobs for which they are paid and they are elected.
      We should NOT malign and interfere but in good sense. All should raise voice to issue and resolve Visa to Carey Schofield . . Do we believe that Visas are meant for Rymond Devices and Black Water only ?? who wage war5 against our national integrity ??

  3. Ismail says

    I Think our elected representatives are sleeping in the ear of elephant. I the Holy month of Ramadan we are praying Allah to give them hidayat.

  4. sayurjean says

    we dont want her back to chitral. what decision the govt has taken we need to stand with it..
    if her decisions were based on merit then why many just graduate and incompetent teachers of junior sections were having handsm money, and they were retained and qualified teachers were removed by carey..
    there was no meritocracy, she was just retaining teachers just based on her personal relations with them and those who were saying yes mam yes mam…
    we are with our old teachers…

    1. Sajid says

      Dear Sayurejeon. All the present students of the TLSC, their parents and all the people working in the school are fully satisfied with the improvements that honorable mam. Carey has brought about within two years. You want the old regime with no commitment, no honesty, no devotion, no discipline, no classes, spreading from dolumus to chitral city during the class time, your smoking, your playing card and what not and what not, are known to every one in the district, so you will definitely not want a principal like madam carey schofield. But we yes we the parents, the teachers, students and those who have real sense of education and who are sincere with chitral are fully in the favor of mam carey and they raise their voice any where besides this very good Do not try to humiliate the past of the school any more as things are very much known. The same people are here but now they are fully committed, devoted, hardworking, competent and regular. it is only because of good administration, otherwise peoples are alway good.

  5. Ashraf says

    Even a senator from Hazara has taken note of this issue, but the elected representatives of Chitral are indifferent to it. Very strange.

  6. waseem abbas says

    be patient!!!devotees of carey!why are you trying to skip the inquiry by secretary education??everything will be clear!

  7. Aftab Ali says

    We want Miss Carey back as she is competent and made a lot of changes and improvement in school system. I don’t know why some of highly educated people of Chitral against the quality of Education, we all well aware the school progress and quality before and after this hard working lady, 200% improvement in quality of teaching and overall management. This school is our asset and we will not allow any body to destroy the asset by their personal interest. We are paying School fee just for good and quality education so we want this lady back and requested to all concern heads to resolve the issue immediately . I feel PTI leaders must take serious action against this cause as they are saying the are working for better education in KPK province.let see how they will take it.

  8. Assad says

    Oh God ! for how long this drama should continue.We are now sick of this Carey Schofield stuff.Much has been said about it already;is there nothing else except this Carey affairs.It has now become a mental and psychological disease,an obsession, that can be dubbed as Careyophobia and careyomania,thats too only found in chitral now a days.Lets put a guillotine to this fruitless discussion as the more you highlight it , the more it becomes disputed.Now enough is enough,there has to be some end to it.If pro carey group is so adamant in bringing her back,it is better to opt for judicial course to get her visa renewed rather than resorting to foul language and propaganda campaign.By the way ,their protest seems to have yielding no result what _so_ever as 126 days of IK protest in front of parliament could not bring anything ,in the same way your protest will also prove to be a cry in the wilderness.Therefore,don’t waste your time and be rational so that sanity and good sense may prevail.

    1. Shahid Khan says

      To you this seems like a Drama to others the future of their Children. Nothing comes without a struggle be it this issue or IK Dharna or PPP struggle on the PA seat or the Lowari tunnel etc. So keep at it my country men. Long live Ms Carey.

    2. Riaz uddin says

      Mr. Asad is this a drama. I think you have no words except drama drama drama what is this man. carey affairs is not your issue, mind your own business.

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