Arming teachers to fight terrorists
KP trains teachers to defend themselves. Teachers are being given techniques to operate weapons so as to resist terrorist attack. The process has begun since the tragic incident in Peshawar on 16 December, 2014. Steps for self defense are good. A hope of safety amongst teachers and students can exist. But the steps towards new culture of weapon exhibition are questionable. Exposition of weapons along with lectures on destructions created by weapons will beget big dillema in children. By repeated exposure of weapons (pistol and rifle) ,the students will psychologically create tendency towards them. Mishandling of the weapons by teachers can cause death. In case of forgetting the weapon on class room table or other place in the school premises, students would play with it and harm can occur. The world is touching new horizons of technological studies but we are unfortunately dragging our generation to the era of weapon competition. The impact of this new trend will be harsh experience to the society. Terrorists cannot be defeated by handing over weapons to teachers. They can be defeated by entrusting a positive mind set to the young generation. Change is needed in mind set not in weapon introduction. As far as teachers’ and students’ self protection is concerned, the state should play its role here. It should strengthen the security strategies in order to control the situation. It should deploy satisfactory security in the institute. In this way, the parents, teachers and students will take the sigh of relief and educational system will remain safe of the curse. Handing over heavy weapons to soft-hearted teachers especially ladies is the open sign of state failure. Protection of students is the responsibility of a state not teaching faculty. Government ought to take some sensible measures in this regard. Ashiq Ali University of Karachi.]]>