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Thoughts on the present discontent

By Nasira Jabeen Much have occurred tainting further our pure realm since I last scribbled: instances of high magnitude and anxiety; dramatic and valiant ones; brazen bloody carnages within the state and its neighbourhood. All these on common citizens’ part call for casting aside their indolence and rising above their circumstances to render in that direction a bent of mind, a thought so as to ascertain that however rampant the fatal incidents in our country, however stolid and indifferent we are made by their frequent recurrence, we still place the highest value on human life. We still are not distanced from the discontent and disruption prevailing on the land and we yet are free to articulate our sphere of observation and to reach our compass of analysis. To begin with life taking incidents first… unluckily human life in Pakistan has a worth no more than any subordinate creature. The loss of lives, through either of the mal practices reigning supreme here; from bomb blasting to target killing, from ‘stoning’ rather bludgeoning to death to murders through a fusillade of bullets straight from the front, incite feelings of grief and condemnation in authorities and citizens alike more because to join the crowd (everyone else is doing so) than out of true aching heart. The laymen are not to be blamed for this but the government’s stance in matters of its subjects’ life is beyond understanding. It should first stand for the security of their lives, it should lament over each innocent blood if it is shed due to its inefficiency and negligence. The government’s attempt at facilitating the public and beautifying the cities through his ‘Mega-Projects’ no doubt is a bright thought but as for the denizens other than of these cities, the projects and its glitters would be of no use to the intended citizens too if human life continue to be lost so profusely. Their phantoms would have their day in them one day. What oppresses is the central leadership’s inability to realize this important of facts. If realized, this would at least be his priority and by now would have implemented his labored strategies to prevent anti-security doings. Paying and compensating for the bereaved families after a jolt of consciousness will not do. Money seldom substitutes relations… and for how long does it last? Amsterdam, reportedly with no more than ten murders a year, was tagged ‘the murder capital of Europe’. In Japan and China human resource has the highest worth. But in Pakistan over 10,000 innocents have been killed during the last three years in Karachi alone, setting aside hundreds of thousands of killings across the country. No corner of the country is immune from the militants’ suicide attacks. No city, not even the Capital has evaded from their infiltration, to nestle on their nefarious designs. Their bloodbaths, taken an epic form have come to a halt only after the commencement of the operation, Zarb- e- Azb. (And this to a stern halt or otherwise, is on time to unfold). Had our leadership been a true reflection of its kind the anti-state elements would not have succeeded in cleansing the land of its invaluable resources. Had it been a true reflection of a democratic set up and a civilian government, it would have taken all the provincial governments on board and of course the army too before commanding it to start with the sole though repellant panacea. But when the government itself seemed uncertain and unaware how come Imran Khan’s complaint of knowing about the operation from T.V is justified? Despite Khan’s long endorsement of a peaceful political solution of the war on terror and his opposition of any military action against the tribes in Waziristan, to the irritation of many and to the many charges and derogatory remarks on himself (though he has his reasons… of war’s ultimate futility and his antagonism to military action in any part of the country), there the operation has started in NW agency. But what has begun parallel with it is again belittling of the government and the concerned authorities as to the exercise of any power in their command. The Lahore Model town killing of the Minhaj ul Quran devotees in the midst of all round chaos and up shake is no doubt weighty and alarming enough for the attention of the coalition high ups to be directed here rather than on the operation and the misery of the internally displaced homeless people. But the dilemma is why can’t such situations be helped from coming into pass and particularly in times as the present? The trigger-happy police could have tackled with them through means other than mortal firing. Their high handedness was at its zenith, were they not under the command of some superior? They didn’t seem so. If the Punjab government and ministry of law of the same were in slumber the central government too was oblivious of their move to let some peremptory utterances to the effect of observing peace and considering human life as sacred trust from the Lord. It only too clearly appeared so. If the police constables and their ilk are ruling the roost here then surely the boulevard made and the grand elegant façade our PM is at pain to maintain of his kingdom aren’t going to stand for his kingly edifice. If he carries on his investigating matters only after they go into pot; setting committees charged with tasks in the eleventh hour only to reach to naught; if his government keeps escorting corruption and nepotism, he is to confront with history’s repetition again. Qadri’s share in aggravating the situation is too of no little significance. His public speeches, stirring the masses for a revolution, for a corruption free Pakistan with reformed electoral system bringing true representatives of the people to the fore for governance and legislation (whatever his motives, but true representatives are a must for Pakistan to represent each section of the society), have alerted the PM but would he be resolute to alter himself for good by purging himself and his assemblies of ministers of corruption so as to purify the system is the matter of thought. Imran Khan’s agitation, on the other hand equally is not to be taken as frivolously and casually as is being taken. His perpetual criticism and grumbles on vote-rigging since Election 2013 have also been recognized as a one move towards a complete election system reform after finding the assemblies predominating with corrupt members. Khan, labeled as ‘naïve’, simpleton, idealistic and suggested by many to stay out of politics directly or indirectly, is the man with a spirit no one and nothing can break. The rule of law, social justice, responsible government, he champions; along with his courage, sincerity and perseverance will win him in the days to come if he successfully brave the further political challenges. His talk of declaration of the assets of the government authorities laying in the country and abroad, his push for a fair tax collection from all with no exemption of the rich section to revive the country’s economy and to eradicate poverty, his idea of inspiring the people to pay tax by generously spending this collected sum upon the masses themselves by raising public expenditure on their education and health, are by no means an ‘ineffectual views of an unbalanced character’. Our PM should catch his drift from this too and holding his reins firm should turn his ride in the right direction. Discontent and mayhem in its every possible form is seen writ large on the face of our part of the country more than before today. The governance of the forces of the status quo entailing satisfaction in the elites and displeasure among the middle classes; the ensuing and inevitable agitation of the coalition parties; the ever impending threat to security of life from jihadist forces; the health and diet worries; the impact on us of the bloodshed in the neighbouring Islamic world in the name of democracy and justice, are ample for discontent, chaos and anarchy to triumph in a country. And all these when come in conjunction with an internecine military operation, the incumbent government must not at all let things go deteriorated on their own till the descend of some supernatural power but taking its destiny in its own hands should armor itself to fight it on war footing. The writer teaches at the Aga Khan Higher Secondary School (AKHSS), Chitral.]]>

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1 Comment
  1. Muhammad Jalaluddin Shamil says

    prevailing discontent is leading towards “Inqilaab-e-Pakistan”.Allama tahirul Qadri is going to be the Khomeni of Pakistan.
    Beyond 2014 discourses on pakistan will include the topic ‘Pakistan Revolution’ in its lexicon.Be prepared to teach ur students the topic ‘Pakistan Revolution’ in conjunction with Pakistan Resolution, Freedom Movement, 2-nation theory etc etc.

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