Bringing outsiders to perform in Kalash festival
According to honourable Dr. Inayatullah Faizi, there were huge irregularities and phony illustrations on the occasion of the famous Kalash festival known as Chelum Jusht held recently in the Kalash Valley of Chitral. The majority of Chitralis completely agreed with Dr. Faizi’s opinions and perception since he is recognized as a unique authority on these issues. His knowledge alongside his arguments are almost indisputable. Kalash festivals such as Chelum Jusht are merely religious festivals and are only performed by the Kalash community. The people of Chitral are known to respect the cultures of others around them. This includes the people from the beautiful Kalash Valley. This is because they are also Chitralis which is why we find it unacceptable to allow individuals from other parts of Pakistan to exhibit the festival if they are not members of the Kalash family themselves. By bringing non-Kalash individuals to perform the festival as an act is looked upon as a rude remark and at times an insult to the culture. It is felt by many that Mr. Suren Singh should not have brought non-Kalash people (or also known as ‘actors’) to Chitral from Peshawar and other cities to perform an ‘act’ regarding the festival. Many individuals and families living in the Kalash regions and also rest of Chitral feel that he should not use the name of the Kalash Valley and culture if the benefits of doing so are only advantageous to him. It may be a small topic to one, this matter is a very important aspect to the lives of hundreds of people living in Chitral and specifically the Kalash Valley. Therefore, this is a humble request to the newly-appointed deputy commissioner of Chitral, the chief minister and Mr. Saleem Khan, the elected member of the provincial assembly from lower Chitral, to truly consider this matter as an important matter and, hence, come to an effective resolution so that the numerous people that embrace the Kalash culture are satisfied. Gul Jee Canada. ]]>
To give counter arguments against the arguments of the most learned intellectual of Chitral- Dr. Faizi may be the practical demonstration of Faraz’s concept, who says in one of his verse
“Unkay hotay huay mehfil may jalatay haa chiragh”
“Kitnay sada haa k suraj ko dekhatay haa chiragh”
However, i disagree with the above report and the perception of the writer for some reasons. The visit of the provincial Minister for minorities Mr. Singh to Chilim Jusht event last month may be perceived optimistically.He maay not have even thought of using the event for his own benefit. The report is only an injustice and fabricated, as it seems.Chelim Jusht is a cultural event. It is desirable that culture must be preserved, but how? It can be preserved through promotion and cultural diffusion. One step to promote Kalash culture may be the step taken by Mr. Singh. The step of bringing outsider to the event can help in preservation of this very unique culture.The actors who have participated in the event may replicate the same event in their respective areas, hence will promote and introduce the culture elsewhere.
Sociologists and experts in cultural studies argue that culture is something which changes all the time, it is dynamic phenomenon not static.The culture which keeps itself completely aloof from its surrounding dies away with the passage of time. When we talk of culture two concepts arises- material and non material culture.The notion of preservation must be applied to non-material culture not to that of material culture. If preservation of material culture was desireable why the mainstream chitralis have abondoned their culture of “Sardawai” and wearing of “Shu Patloon”.
i agree with the argument that Kalash culture must be preserved. But over emphasis on its preservation will only help in pushing back the Kalash to the stone age and abject poverty.Positive aspects of Mr. Singh may also be appreciated and highlighted.
who is more responsible for spoiling/ Altering Kalash culture than us-Chitralis? Heavent u heard that the Kalash used put the dead body in a coffin (Taboot) with all his/her valuable assets and leave the same in the open field. No singh, Afridi, Yusufzai or sanjrani or Shinwari was there to compell the Kalash to abondon this practice. An ardent patriotic Chitrali may argue that a gang of robbers right back from Nankana Sharif or from the mount in Hassan Abdal came and robbed away the possessions of the dormant Kalash in the Taboot.
So be realistic and make urself accountable before blaming any Sikhm, a Magian, a zorastrian or a tao.
Strongly agree with this statement because its not a concert rather a religious festival.
Secondly, they are going to sabotage and spoil the pure culture of Chitral by their participation in our cultural festivals. So the participation of people outside of Kelaash community/Chitral should not be allowed in these rituals/Chitral’s cultural festivals.