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Redesigning of road near Chew bridge demanded

Photo: social media

CHITRAL: The residents of Chitral have demanded that the government departments concerned should redesign a portion of the road passing through the hillock near Chew Bridge.

They said the continuously sliding process of the hill slope was neglected while executing the project. The department of communication and works (C&W) totally neglected the ramshackle position of the hillock from which boulders and debris fell on the road and overran it during rainy days.

Sajjad Ahmed Khan, chairman of Jughur village council, said the department of communication and works was executing the project of beautification of Chitral launched by the previous government of the PTI costing Rs32 million. 

He regretted that a huge amount of money had been spent on the road on trivial structures which like fencing, pavement and lightings using its funds while leaving behind its basic need of containing the fall of rocks to the road.

Mr Khan said that the money could have been spent on the work of rock nailing of the affected portion of the hill which could have added to the beauty of the area and provide a safety to the road once and for all.

He said that rock nailing was the only solution to the problem of falling of rocks, endangering the lives of the passersby and motorists.

A subdivisional officer of C&W, when contacted, said that the rock nailing item was not approved in the plan of the project due to its high cost. He said it was beyond the scope of the project.

He admitted that only rock nailing structure could provide a permanent solution to the problem while erecting a retaining wall could also serve the purpose with a lower cost.


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