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Lawi power project termed conspiracy against Shishi Koh

AYUN: A resident of Shishi Koh has said that the Lawi hydro power project is a conspiracy against the people of the remote valley.

Talking to ChitralToday here, Maqbool Ahmed, a former bank manager from Shishi Koh, said the 12-km-long water channel of the powerhouse has been constructed through agricultural land, orchards, forests and even houses of the local people.

Lawi power project termed conspiracy
Maqbool Ahmed

Moreover, instead of Shishi Koh the powerhouse has been named as Lawi powerhouse which is a conspiracy against the interest of the locals.

By naming the project as Lawi, the government has tried to deprive the people of Shishi Koh of their right to get low level jobs and royalty from the powerhouse, he added. 

Work on the 69 MW power project in Lawi village on Chitral-Drosh road fed by the Shishi Koh stream started in 2016 but it is yet to be completed.

Mr Ahmed said in case of Golen Gol hydro power station such an injustice was never made with the locals even though all offices of the powerhouse were in Koghuzi.

But in the Lawi power project, the quarters concerned have tried to deprive the 27,000 people of Shishi Koh of their genuine rights in the powerhouse in their area.

Mr Ahmed said the establishment of the powerhouse has already left negative impacts on the local environment as due to change of the course of the local stream a number of natural springs have gone dry, leaving the inhabitants without clean drinking water.

He said if the locals were not compensated for the losses, they would be left with no other options but to protest for their rights.–Muhkam Uddin Ayuni

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1 Comment
  1. Liaquat Khan says

    Rights of the people of shishi must be cared offering jobs to locals first and compensation. This would surely strengthen the ownership & caring of long Channel of the powerhouse.

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