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THQ hospital incharge clarifies news report

BOONI: A few days ago, a biased and baseless report was published in some local newspapers against me in which VC naib nazim Booni 2 Pervez Lal along with some other people raised questions about my professionalism and demanded my transfer from the THQ hospital Booni.
“The fact of the matter is that last year Tariq Ahmed, the younger brother of Village Council No 1 Booni naib nazim Pervez Lal, was appointed as ward orderly in THQ hospital Drosh Lower Chitral on a permanent basis. But he was working at the THQ hospital Booni since then. A few weeks ago, I handed over his services back to the THQ hospital after he refused to perform his duty.”
After his transfer to Drosh, his brother VC naib nazim Pervez Lal has been visiting my office and threatened me in front of the staff besides spreading propaganda against me in a bid to damage and tarnish my professional life as well as family status and respect.
I reserve my right to initiate legal action against Pervez Lal and his colleagues for this smear campaign against me. I also request all local newspapers to verify facts before publishing any news against any responsible officer.”
Dr Faiz ul Mulk,
MS THQ Hospital Booni.
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1 Comment
  1. Sajjad Ur Rehman says

    Dear Dr. sb
    It was not necessary to respond to the allegations. And if you did you could have responded in a more logical way.
    1-You are running a clinic inside hospital promises during office hours. Its serious allegation, you could have responded to this allegation.
    2-You do not respect people! Its not a less serious allegation. There is not a single line in your clarification which can clarity your position on this.
    In your response you have counter attacked the counselor(s). You have nothing to say against their version of story. In a way you accept their allegations.

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