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  1. S Shah Mir says

    he fundan etu dity reshno damaged bijlighara legeran ma khiala shaw beseer wa saf zhaghan kicha rosht koraw ushoy koreseer,pisa kia raay

  2. M Fawad says

    A xan to di pho kiag angi ki shetraro bachen. Khali lo dik wa.

  3. Al Arslan Khwaja says

    The minor powerhouse conducted by SRSP in Golen Gol upon the expenditure of approx 35 million has already failed to enlight the town, is there none to monitor or reckon these things. Is the money begged or borrowed under the curse of poverty is so lavishly misused.

  4. Inamur Rahim says

    Blowing things out of proportion:
    The criticism of Mastuj Hydel Station being constructed by Sarhad Rural Support Programme (SRSP) is the work of a mind which twists facts to create sensationalism and cheap popularity.
    The fact of the matter is that the SRSP engineers inspecting the project a few weeks back had noted that the slope of the channel had not been strictly adhered to by the contractor.
    As a result, it was not possible for the channel to carry the exact cusecs of water needed to run the 750 kilowatts hydel station. This could be easily corrected if the channels walls were raised at points where the channel slope had problems. Work to address this issue has already been started by SRSP and is likely to be completed in the next few days. 
    When something has been internally identified and addressed why are threats hurled at the organisation and cheap politicking done at the expense of the development in the area?  For months we heard similar stories about the Golen Hydel Project in Chitral only to find that it was producing 2 megawatts of electricity which was not being supplied to the town because the politicians in Chitral wanted to satisfy their own constituencies and not allow the project mandate to be implemented. Similarly at Mastuj if water flow does not produce over 700 Kv of electricity, the organization that has raised the resources with no help from some of the petty politicians of Mastuj and successfully designed and built the engineering structure, which most people who visit it admire for the quality of its work, would obviously address. Please don’t hurl threats at people who have no obligation to serve you. Providing electricity is the responsibility of the government.  
    We have seen that for the last two years there is no step taken to rebuild the Reshun Power Project, which was destroyed by floods. The SRSP has been kind to help raise resources and build this project for Mastuj.  We expect our politicians to do something instead of criticising good initiatives.
    Inamur Rehman, Mastuj

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