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Shelter house for women in distress demanded

This, they added, would help bringing down the high ratio of suicide among women who end their lives due to a number of social issues. Additional Assistant Commissioner Chitral Rukhsana Jabeen was the chief guest while the programme was presided over by Nusrat Jabeen, the first woman social welfare officer of Chitral. The theme of the day for the year 2017 was “Be bold for a change.” The function held at a local hotel was organized by the Social Welfare Department and the Special Education Department. Speaking on the occasion, Nusrat Jabeen highlighted the historical background of the day. Husool Begum, a lady councilor, said women are independent only in papers as practically they are still not given their genuine rights. Ms Rubina,  Razia Sultana, Nusrat Jabeen, Rukhsana Jabeen, Farida Sultana, Public Prosecutor Ayaz Zareen and others also spoke. The speakers said the government’s gender policy was implemented only in papers in different departments as there were no practical measures taken for ensuring women’s rights. They said women should be made empowered so that they can play their role in the development of the country. They stressed that parents should equally provide quality education to their daughters along with sons. They said in most government departments women were feeling themselves insecure. Women should be bold and prove their credibility. Ayaz Zareen spoke on the legal point of view regarding women rights saying men should bring changes in their attitude regarding divorce, marriage and also work to end the curse of suicide among women. A large number of women belonging to all walks of life participated in the event.]]>

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1 Comment
  1. Roshan says

    You seem to have forgotten to mention the name of the participent who expressed her views about the need for shelter homes in Chitral! Just a thought…

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