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Hashoo Foundation reaches out to quake-hit people in Chitral

eye But the loss and damage is much more than reported till now as the roads are blocked and communications disrupted. Chitral is also one of the worst-hit districts of 2015 floods which caused substantial damages and loss to public and private properties. The floods washed away livestock, destroyed buildings, houses and assets and damaged roads, bridges, irrigation infrastructure, water supply schemes, crops and schools and health facilities. The emergency work was on its way when this earthquake occurred. Hashoo Foundation in partnership with and financial support from HelpAge International has launched an emergency relief project in Chitral starting from November 11, 2015, for the time period of two months. The project aimed to provide medical aid and referral services to people affected by earthquake, along with mobility aids to older people, persons with disabilities and injured people. Two mobile medical teams of Hashoo Foundation visited almost every village of UC Laspur, Mastuj and Yarkhun and arranged medical camps for the patients . According to an estimate, more than 8,000 patients were treated and needy patients provided with hearing devices, wheelchairs, auxiliary crutches, walkers, sticks and toilet chairs. It’s worth mentioning here that for the first time in this remote area, eye patients got the chance to get their eyes checked in their doorsteps by eye specialists and will be provided glasses too. hasho ]]>

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