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Strike called off after 72 days

BOONI, Feb 20: The people of Mulkhow have at last called off their symbolic strike after 72 days as one of their demands was met and they were assured that the other demands would also be fulfilled soon.

The people had launched the strike against unavailability of basic facilities at the rural health centre (RHC) of Warijun. The decision to end the strike by the representatives of the people was made after an X-ray machine was brought to the RHC.

The strike was called off in the presence of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chitral president Abdul Latif, DHO Dr Isralullah and AC Israr Ahmed. The area people warned that if the RHC was not provided with all the needed facilities, they would again start their protest movement—S.N. Peerzada

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