10 high risk glaciers identified in Chitral
Talking to the community representatives in the field coordination office in Bindugole, Mr Mir said some years back there were severe disasters due to glacier lake outburst floods which also claimed many lives. He said that the valley of Bindugole had a covered area of 75 sq kms with 9,500 population. He added that if the glacier outbursts in the nearest area it would reach the village within 15 minutes which could become a disaster. Pak-GLOF project has formed Disaster Risk Management Committees, established disaster management fund, trained local volunteers to respond quickly and also carried out massive awareness campaign regarding glacier lake outburst and all these efforts are to mitigate the loss if some disaster happened. Hamid Mir added that GLOF project had provided different equipments to the disaster management committee and to ensure timely communication wireless loop phones were also distributed on different locations. On the occasion, Ibrahim Khan, the president of DRMC, and Hamidur Rehman, the secretary DRMC, thanked GLOF project for their work in Bindugole area.–K.A. Jamil ]]>