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Female student's distinction

CHITRAL, April 5: Shakila Haidar, a student from Balach village, has passed her MSc (zoology) final examination from Peshawar University with distinction. zooTalking to this correspondent here on Friday, she expressed her intention to get doctorate degree in the subject and join the teaching profession in a Chitral-based educational institution. She said that the subject had a great relevancy with the area which is rich in biodiversity which needed proper research and study which are hitherto remained unveiled. She said that the biodiversity can be utilized for the progress of the area only if proper research is carried out on them. Ms Shakila described the richness of fresh water biology in Chitral valley and said that there were numerous genres of biology in the waters which are of prime importance from scientific point of view.– Zahiruddin]]>

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1 Comment
  1. Wiqar Ahmad says

    Great achievement. Wish you a better luck.

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