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Chitrali youth: living example of existential crisis

Kazim Hayat

Imtiaaz Ahmad says he was studying information technology (IT) at Agriculture University Peshawar, but quitted IT and instead pursued political science and completed his master’s from University of Peshawar (UOP).

He also had a master’s degree in English literature. Although this may appear to be a typical narrative, I believe it reflects a broader trend that deserves closer attention. This case exemplifies the experiences and realities faced by countless Chitrali youth, particularly students, who often exhibit uncertainty regarding their future direction and career paths. If you inquire a student about his future academic pursuits or his current field of study and the rationale behind his choice, you may encounter responses that lack clarity or depth, a phenomenon observed among majority of the students.

A significant proportion of Chitrali students select their academic pursuits based on two primary factors: firstly, recommendations from parents or other family members. Secondly, a considerable number of students are unduly influenced by the success of administrative officers, leading them to make career choices based on sentimentality rather than personal interests. This reliance on external factors significantly limits the pursuit of individual passions and poses a serious challenge to the future of Chitral and Pakistan.

Such decisions and unplanned actions lead to the concept of an existential crisis among the youth. They become unaware of their purpose in life, their interests and their potential. This, in turn, leads to the generation of an ill-equipped, dispassionate and hopeless youth force. These young people not only lack the potential to elevate their standard of living but also lack the interest to develop their community socially and financially.

Youth is an asset, a resource and using this golden resource effectively and efficiently is the responsibility of social and political institutions, political institutions had a greater role in this matter but unfortunately they are not addressing it. So teachers, parents, religious and spiritual leaders should play their vital role in showing the right path to their young ones.

Here, I would like to give credit to the Ismailia community leaders for their commitment to career counseling and provision of financial and other forms of support for their youth. The other community sects should fallow the policies of Ismailia community over this matter.

A collaborative approach, including parents, political representatives, teachers, and religious leaders, is crucial for fostering a potential youth force. Through coordinated efforts, these stakeholders can effectively guide young individuals towards fulfilling career paths. This collaborative approach has the potential to not only elevate the social, economic, and ethical standard of Chitral but also can establish Chitral as a model of success for the entire nation and the global community.

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  1. Anonymous says

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