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Provincial resource management

Prof. Rahmat Karim Baig

Our country has seen both province based and one unit administrative mechanism in its history. The latter was revoked by General Yahya Khan as the chief martial administrator.

The present set up namely the restoration of the provinces is better in the sense that there is a competitive sense though light one, among the provinces though because of area, population and resources these have varying potential but due to poor resource management, failure of political leadership and political ups and downs among the puppet provincial governments, very negligible progress has been seen in almost all sectors.

Punjab is the richest province for its agricultural lands and has huge potential to make the country self sufficient in food commodities but due to Feudal System it has failed to achieve that level of agricultural development that has been gained in other countries of the world.

In this case KP is the smallest province but has better water resources vs. agricultural lands as it is a hilly and mountainous province but has good potential for fruit products on larger scale but the provincial governments have failed to achieve higher products.

The fruits that are produced are insufficient for the local market, let alone for export. On the other hand Punjab has failed to utilize its land resources judiciously. The Feudal system is the stumbling block on the path of development.

The capitalistic economy has discouraged the major section of the total population and the Feudal Lords have been given free hand to keep their monopoly over the economy.

The corruption in all the provinces and the role of the bureaucracy has been lamentable on the ground that  public money allocated for the benefits of the public works, is turned into ghost projects and the documents from PC1 to PC 4 are prepared within the offices and the Funds never come to the eyes of the public but disappear in the course of  ‘implementation’ only orally and the staff of the implementing agencies grow richer and begin to enjoy and live much luxuriously beyond the salary scope that is paid  to them according to their pay scale. This class is sucking the blood of the economic body and thus it is lifeless and no noticeable improvement is visible in any sector of the provincial governments across the country.

The provincial puppet governments are controlled by a supreme ruling party which controls the whole fabric of administration according to its sweet will under directives of another Octopus- a most ferocious sea blood sucking creature.

The resources of the country are huge but management is the poorest, corruption is at the highest level and economic competition is a must but the puppets cannot deliver as it was envisaged at the time of the creation of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Each province has to work according to its resources and  with coordination but Alas! The one party regime in the country has very poor resource management vision.

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