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Political parties demand corona screening facility in Booni

BOONI: Representatives of political parties at a meeting in Booni on Saturday called upon the government to establish a corona screening facility in Booni for Upper Chitral and appoint a full-time district health officer (DHO).

The all-parties meeting held at Shah Wazir House was chaired by Awami National Party (ANP) Upper Chitral president Fazlur Rehman and attended by Amir Ullah, PPP Upper Chitral president; Shah Wazir Lal, senior leader ANP; Sardar Hakim, senior leader of PTI; Muhammad Nawab, Booni bar association president; Molana Jaffar Khan, deputy chief of JUI; Prince Sultan ul Mulk, senior leader of PML-N; Kashafat Younus, senior leader of PML-N, and Zafar Ullah Parwaz, senior leader of PML-N.

The political representatives held the meeting in the wake of the prevailing health crisis to discuss problems being faced by the area people and apprise the district administration of the needs and steps to be taken so that the impact of the crisis could be minimized under a collective strategy.

After quite a long time, the gathering of the senior political leaders of Upper Chitral showed that the political parties are on one page to tackle the situation in collaboration and coordination with the government departments, a participant told ChitralToday.

It is time the district administration strengthened its strategy to cope with the health crisis by taking the political representatives on board.

Through a resolution (available with ChitralToday), the participants of the meeting said establishment of a corona screening facility in Upper Chitral should be a priority.

They said the district administration should also set up quarantine centres in Mastuj and Torkhow and people of these areas returning from down districts should be shifted to their areas instead of being quarantined at Khandan

The participants said people from down districts supplying vegetables and poultry to Upper Chitral were not following precautions and could spread the coronavirus in Upper Chitral so they should be made bound to follow all the health precautions.

They also said the government has set up utility stores in different parts of the district but most of them were without essential food items. They demanded that the stores should be supplied all basic commodities in the wake of the lockdown and the arrival of Ramazan.–Javed Khan

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1 Comment
  1. Bashir Ahmad says

    My question to the local leaders is; if, this was, still the responsibility of the local leadership then why the need has arisen to send two of the panaceas to the provincial and national assemblies through an expensive process of election from the public exchequer?
    I think this is one of the big betrayals and disloyalties with the people ever. There was a need that the local leaders instead of passing such resolution; should have thought of their mistake and must have denounced their fate on reposing confidence on such ineligible people. But that also needs a courage, honesty and of being loyal in intentions; unfortunately, as a nation we all are void of these qualities.
    Secondly, I am very much surprised to look at their wisdom that if the leaders you have chosen by a universal franchise look down upon you as weasels, skunks, earthworms etc, then what will be the worth of your resolution before the administration that has already understood the credibility of your people through their elected representatives?

    Bashir Ahmad

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