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Taxi drivers told not to travel towards Booni before 5am

BOONI: AT a meeting attended by local administration officials and taxi drivers from Yarkhun, Mastuj and Laspur, the drivers were directed not to operate towards Booni and Chitral town before 5am from their destinations.

The meeting was chaired by Additional Assistant Commissioner Mastuj Mr Muazzam Khan.

The meeting decided to fix fares on the routes of Yarkhun-Booni and Chitral, Laspur-Mastuj to Booni and Chitral after a few days.

The drivers would be bound to display the officially-fixed fares inside their vehicles.

Most of the taxi drivers start their journeys from Yarkhun and Laspur valleys after midnight or at a maximum of 3am. After this, the commuters face problems in getting any vehicles.

So the local administration directed the drivers to operate their taxis from Yarkhun after 5am every day. The timing for the taxi drivers operating from Laspur and Mastuj was fixed at  6am.

The drivers were told that they should follow the new timings otherwise action would be taken against them.

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1 Comment
  1. Inayat ullah shah says

    very good decision and administration should ensure these timings. Or there should be two timings for departure especially from Yarkhun villages. currently, these taxis leave from different villages from 2 to 4 am. after that people have no option to travel.
    But I don’t think this would be followed by drivers unless there is checking at different points.

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