With an arm and a leg, a Kalash man carves his fortune
PESHAWAR: While the developed world makes strides in offering multiple career opportunities to the disabled, in a country like Pakistan, those who happen to be both physically challenged and poor are still viewed by many as a burden.
Yet far from letting his limited mobility be a handicap, one Kalash man has not only found success for himself by honing his artistic talents but has also managed to support the destitute among his fellow villagers.
A resident of the village of Kalash Gam, Rehmat Wali was just a child when he lost the ability to move one arm and leg after contracting polio. But rather than letting the tragedy hold him back, he chose to focus on the one ability that no condition could rob him of – his creativity.
Putting his artistic mind and other two limbs to work, Rehmat pursued the craft of carving intricate wood sculptures relentlessly. Now 40, his creations have won him renown from far and wide, as well as fetching him yearly earnings of between Rs400,000 and Rs500,000.
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