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Parents of underage bike drivers to face legal action

BOONI: Notables at a meeting with government officials here decided that parents of underage bike drivers would be proceeded against in accordance with the law to check the illegal practice that is leading to frequent accidents.

The meeting chaired by Tehsildar Mastuj Rab Nawaz Khan expressed concerns over the nuisance created for the public by underage bike drivers. Despite repeated warning and public awareness campaigns as well as fatal accidents, the menace of underage motorcycle driving could not be checked.

Frequent accidents involving underage motorcycle driers have been on the rise but the government departments, including the police, are yet to take the matter seriously.

The meeting decided that from now onward if any boy below the age  of 18 was found driving motorcycle or involved in any accident his parents would be held responsible for it.

Also read: Fashion of bike riding in Chiral: a generation in jeopardy

A case would be registered against the parents of such boys and the bike would be impounded.

The officials warned parents not to allow their sons below the age of 18 years to drive bikes otherwise legal proceedings would be initiated that would affect the future of the children.


Reporting: Basit Khan

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