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My bill against Riba will end exploitation: MNA

CHITRAL: MNA Molana Abdul Akbar said by tabling a bill in the National Assembly aimed at eradicating Riba he had discharged his responsibility as the elected representative of Chitralis.

The eradication of Riba bill 2019 was among 20 private members bills presented in the assembly on April 26.

Speaking at a press conference hefe, The MNA said if passed, the bill would save the citizens against the clutches of exploitative elements.

It would also be a step towards fulfilment of PTI government’s promise to run the affairs of the state in the pattern of the State of Madina.

He said the speaker and ruling party lawmakers helped him in presenting the bill in tbe house.

About development works in Chitral, he said very soon villages from Broz to Gahiret would be provided electricity as an amount of 70.8 million rupees were being spent on the project, including installation of separate transformers.

Besides, he said, the government has issued directions to hand over Chitral-Garam Chashma and Bumburate roads to the National Highway Authority.

The construction of Chitral-Shandur road will be carried out under CPEC and according to minister for communication Murad Saeed, it will take nine months for completion, he added.

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  1. Afzal (@AfzalTameer) says

    Chitral has its own dynamics and being a remote district of KPK has so many challenges and this man is talking about Riba in the assembly rather talking about the difficulties Chitralis are confronting. This is his second tenure and he did not learn why he is in the assembly.

  2. Aslam khan says

    After retirement of shahzada mohiuddin molana sahib has nothing to play politics on, so he keeps firing blank shots in the air now and then.Tomorrow he will say I have moved a bill to bring Islamic system of govt in Pakistan etc etc, all impractical and hypothetical statements and he knows that well.

  3. Chitralis says

    What a great leader, can someone asks from him,how the Saudi Arabia bank run their systems and how they pay profits to their clients and how they pay salaries. And specially islamic bank jaddah. People of chitral have many problems and issues to be addressed and this Mula is talking about Soodi system. Can someone tells him to go to court and challenge the pakistani banking system. And stop people of chitral from getting loan from banks and specially agriculture bank.

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