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Qaqlasht festival is back after five years

Qaqlasht festival is back after five years

BOONI: The annual Qaqlasht festival will be organized after a gap of five years from April 18 subject to weather conditions.

The four-day festival will be held under the Qaqlasht committee while the district administration will extend only logistical support for it. This decision was made at the second meeting of the committee held in Booni on Saturday.

The meeting was held with committee chairman Shahzada Sikendarul Mulk in the chair.

Speaking on the occasion, Shahzad Sikendar said this year the festival will be held under the supervision of the committee. He also informed the meeting about his meeting with the KP tourism minister and expected funding from the government. He said the festival will start on April 18 and conclude on April 21 and in case of rain it would be organized a few days later.

He said keeping in view the expected rush, a limited number of teams of football and other games would be included in the tournament. In this regard, conveners were named for different teams.

It may be mentioned that the popular traditional festival of Qaqlasht was last held in 2019.

However, because of the Covid pandemic and advent of Ramazan in April the festival could not be arranged since 2020.  There was also the increasing interference by the local administration in the holding of the festival. The committee in the past had expressed its annoyance and reservation over it.

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