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Politicians highlight development programmes for Chitral

Report A.M.Khan

CHITRAL: The Department of Political Science, University of Chitral, organized a seminar on “Political parties’ manifesto for the election 2018 and development of Chitral” on Thursday. Leaders of APML, JI, JUI, PPP and PTI Chitral participated in the seminar.

The head of the department Prof. Basharat Hussain spoke about the aims and objectives of the seminar.

Addressing students, APML leader Sultan Wazir said his party’s vision ws to address the menace of nepotism and corruption. After “Pakistan First” our new slogan is “Ruphe Chitrali Ruphe Tan Haqo Bachen Ruphe” (stand Chitral, stand up for your rights). Security, welfare and well being of people is part of our programme, besides crushing terrorism and extremism.

Development of the area, agriculture, economy, communication, infrastructure, industry and environment, and energy development, tackling deforestation, installing water filtration plants, working for education, health, population control, media, heritage and sports are also part of our programme. Welfare of the people is our priority, he added.

Maulana Jamsheed, Amir of Jamat-e-Islami Chitral, said it was a great forum to discuss party mission and programm for the election. Our manifesto is what Prophet (pbuh) had given 1400 years ago. We are under stress, and it’s time to contemplate on the causes as a nation addressing them. Having 98pc population of Muslims we are divided on different lines, facing the challenge of peace, poverty, ignorance and problem of national integration. Referring charter of Madina, implementation of law equally, elimination of ‘interest’, making of ways for business, fighting against ignorance, he said are part of our manifesto. What we want introducing the system of Quran and Sunnah in the country, he concluded.

Leader of JUI Chitral Maulana Hussain Ahmad, tracing the concept of politics and republic in Greece and the state of Madina, went on to say that Pakistan came into being in the name of Islam. Our programme is distinctive based on the holy Quran which has been endorsed by people all around as ‘supremely successful’ system. Our first concept, he added, is sovereignty of Allah, based on divine system, referring to charter of Madina as first written constitution , he added , it provides for freedom of conscience and human independence irrespective of any discrimination. ‘We don’t believe in red line but we believe on green line’ , our manifesto is peace, prosperity and Development of the region, he said.

Advocate Alam Zeb, representing PPP Chitral, started with the developments which led to the establishment of the party. In the perspective of the election of 2018, he said, our party manifesto focused on the development of education, health, communication, tourism, environment, youth development and women empowerment with reference to the developmental works carried our by PPP in Chitral.

PTI leader Abdul Lateef, defining the concept of state as ‘a magnified individual’, he said, we are still on the discussion of the nature of the state of Pakistan after 70 years of Pakistan’s creation. Empirically time, wealth, and life are important , our first priority, he added, is “One Pakistan” wherein law should be implemented everyone equally. Secondly, our priority is ‘Institutional building’, action against corruption, PTI has proved it, having been in opposition. Education has been our priority, increasing budget from 60b to 154b, we lead by example, he added.

With concluding remarks in the perspective of Chitral, he said, that agriculture is not our priority because we have no land. We want to invest in hydropower production generating more 600mw, promotion of tourism, and exploitation of minerals in Chitral under Mineral Act passed by KP government.

District Nazim Haji Maghfirat Shah said it’s due to immaturity, our country slipped to instability, we should be serious, rational and practical. Chitral is a mountainous area, having population lives in 34 valleys. Here maintenance of roads has been more difficult than constructing them. Accessibility was a problem, a problem for investors, now road and power is available in Chitral.

Asian Development Bank supports for both mini-and-micro power generation, we are working on it, and we have put forward proposal for royalty from provincial government. Our future coordinated strategy for District Development Plan to prepare “Chitral growth strategy” a socio-economic development project would properly be launched in Chitral after Ramzan , he said.

A question answer session, moderated by Dr. Bukhari, was held in which in which party leaders responded questions raised by participants and students.

With the vote of thanks , project director University of Chitral, Dr. Badshah Munir Bukhari said its how wind of change brewing in Chitral, like the world, conflicts should be resolved through dialogues , debated this culture needs to be developed here. US and other European countries have been following this pattern of debate in universities before the start of elections. The next round of debate, we would provide this platform to party candidates, and said , you would decide who’s the best candidate. University is a place to generate and dessiminate knowledge, not doing politics, and we want to make it, he concluded.

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  1. chitrali says

    Great initiative, such type of program should be arranged at pakistan level. the leader of PTI, PPP, PMLN and JUI, JI should present their manifesto in same platform at same time. It will help the people to differentiate between true leader and so called leaders. But i wonder, some politician may not dare to be in such gathering due to their black history.

  2. javed karim says

    This university has broken all records of nepotism in hiring of staff.

    1. Shafqat says

      And people who have no capacity to teach even at primary level have become professors. Unluckily majority of the so-called professors had no teaching experience at all. A good number of them were virtually ‘berozgar’. But the lady luck smiled on them and what else they need after getting 18, 19, 20, insurance, State Life Beema policy other perks and privileges. The colleges and the schools have far better qualified teachers than those teaching at Chitral University. Wish if appointment of UOC teachers could have been done through FPSC instead of hiring these inexperienced lots who are set to destroy the future of Chitrali youth. There could be no other bad luck than the teachers at UOC.

  3. Dr inayatullah Faizi says

    Shafqat sb ! You nailed it by saying” we are good in electing wrong people for wrong reasons”.The only phrase i would like to add is “at wrong times”.

    1. Shafqat says

      Shukria Faizi sahib, bo manadar hotam!

  4. Nadir Khan says

    These so called political leaders have one thing in store and that is how to loot any money coming in their way. The Chitral university shows its immaturity bu organizing a seminar to highlight development programmes by these typical politicians. I think the university has no capacity or plan of its own to promote good education and research and has from the beginning indulged itself and wasting resources on such weird programmes. whoever has floated this idea is devoid of any scholarly idea needed for a university.
    Please try to be mature enough and do your own work.

  5. Shahid says

    What will these politicians highlight development programs? They do not have the capacity to even protest against NHA mistreating Chitralis at the Lowari tunnel. Let alone standing for bigger issues. They swore jointly to boycott elections and are now showing their backs on it. Totally devoid of ethics and principles! Our politicians only know how to label outsiders as ‘Mohsin Chitral’, ‘saviour of the downtrodden’ etc, etc. In other words they only know how to beg. Have no self respect. Sorry to say that. “baat tow sach hai, go kay baat hai ruswai kee”

    1. Imtiaz Booni says

      They had announced to boycott election in case Chitral’s one seat was abolished. but they were not given any importance by election commission, they just hid their heads in sand and started preparations for election and even giving their development plans.

  6. Shah Karez says

    UC’s efforts by providing the forum for debates is healthy and appreciated. More interesting would be the qualifying debate of the candidates. Let’s see what the ‘Chitral Growth Strategy’ being enunciated by the Nazim is all about. It would be interesting to know what the worthy Nazim has learned from the previous exercise while preparing the ‘Integrated Development Vision’ for Chitral during his first tenure. I for one have never seen any of the developmental activities carried out by the District Nizamat Forum anywhere nearing the vision contained in that much trumpeted but shelved document. Is it not enough.

  7. Shafqat says

    Not a single politician has said anything based on it people can vote for them. “Stand up Chitrali, snatch your rights”…oh bhayi yeh pith gaya he. Your counterparts had gone to the extent of saying they would even prefer joining Afghanistan. An incumbent MPA was keen to become part of GB but at the end of “thuss”. To cut the long story short, neither the hadliners nor the liberals had anything which they can sell in upcoming polls. The liberal is optimistic to cash in on the situation using name of Gen Musharraf and the so-called sense of deprivation. The molvi is building castles in the air that religion is the best tool to exploit innocent Chitralis. The PTI lad is hopeful that his dream to make it to parliament may come true given a slight good performance of PTI. But it may not work in an area like Chitral where politics is all about electing wrong people for wrong reasons. And the outgoing MNA is one such example. He was voted to power but at he did not even mention the name of his leader in his farewell speech. So the people of Chitral have no sense as far as elections. They are good to be befooled in one way or another. And this time again, anything can happen. And yes, just let me pat the young boy who is doing a good job as head of his department. I would suggest him to organise a similar seminar about Kalash. Believe me you along with the PD will manage to generate enough cash. By the way cash is what the university is all about.

    1. Israrullah says

      Shahid sahib, please explain what do you mean when you say “stand up Chitrali,snatch your rights” Let’s say we listen to you, what are we supposed to do to snatch our rights. The same people are standing for elections. We have to choose from amongst them . We cannot bring angels and vote for them. May be I have not understood what you mean.

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