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Plea to Jamaat Islami Chitral chief

Aqib Ullah

First of all, I would like to offer my gratitude to Ameer Jamaat Islami for taking the most important step towards solving the issue of loadshedding. Your efforts and leadership have ignited a light of hope amongst the people of this district, as you are the only current leader who seems serious about solving the issues faced by this marginalized district.

The second big issue being faced by the people, especially the youth, of this district is the absence of local test centers for conducting tests for vacancies in different departments under the aegis of KPPSC. Chitral is one of the largest districts by area in KPK, and recently, it has been recognized as one of the top districts in literacy rate.

Despite this, candidates, especially those in their struggling period, have to travel to Peshawar and other distant districts to attempt tests that last only an hour. This journey, as everyone knows, is laborious and puts huge mental and financial pressure on students who are going through rough times in their lives.

Expecting candidates who travel from dawn to dusk and look into their pockets more than a hundred times to perform well is akin to living in that proverbial “la ,la land” where everything seems fine if reality is ignored.

There should be at least a single KPPSC center in this district for the candidates of lower and upper Chitral, so they can utilize their time to prepare without feeling any financial, physical, or mental burden before appearing for these tests.

Your serious attention is also needed for this issue, as you have become known as a leader who takes steps for the basic rights of common people. I am quite sure that the issue I have mentioned is a concern for many others like me who endure this tiresome journey to attempt these tests.

We will remain indebted if you give your serious attention to this issue as well.

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