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KMU bans ‘intimate relationship’

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PESHAWAR: Khyber Medical University (KMU) has imposed a ban on what it said ‘intimate relationship’ between staff members and students in line with the policy of Higher Education Commission to put brakes on harassment on campuses.

A notification issued by Dr Brekhna Jamil, the chairperson of KMU’s harassment inquiry committee, said penalties for violating the policy were severe and might include oral or written reprimand, dismissal, suspension, expulsion, disciplinary probation, imposition of fine, withholding of degree, cancellation of professional licence, inclusion of decision in personal file and other related sanctions as deemed appropriate.

“These relationships pose conflicts of interest, compromise professional judgment, and risk the credibility of the institution. The individuals involved in such relationships should declare it,” it said.

KMU maintains a zero-tolerance policy for harassment of any kind and recent actions taken for violating this policy include expulsion of a Grade-18 staff member, written reprimand, fines and demotion for another Grade-17 staff member. Several other senior staff members have been given final warning and they are under surveillance.


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