When people of my age were in the primary and middle schools in the 60s, there were few textbook facilities and the used textbooks of one year were donated to the students only on special request, but those were also in shabby condition let alone the title page of the textbooks many pages in the beginning and also at the end of the book were missing.
Only the central section of the book used to be in useful form so one 4th or 3rd of the book was not known to the student concerned compared to a newly purchased book because access to new text books was almost impossible due to market supply or poverty.
There used to be strange stories having no value for a Muslim student. There were animal characters talking to each other such as a donkey talking with a bull or a fox talking to a crow etc. The text book Board was not organized and irrelevant essays were included in the books without any useful message.
It is noteworthy that each class room had got a map of the country or the province or a map of the world and the teacher of general knowledge used the map to teach about the location of the country such as to the east of Pakistan lies India, to the west lies Afghanistan etc. They taught about the continents and oceans with the help of the map of the world. This gave students basic knowledge about the location of Pakistan in the continent of Asia so it was good information.
Due to unavailability of stationery practice of writing was very negligible. What was possible was to write in the form of calligraphy and show it in the class room the next morning. We used to collect local reeds or suitable pieces of branches cut from various trees and used them as pen. In order to practice we used a writing board of small size made by a local carpenter who made it for free. We collected a special type of clay for ink and the teachers used to check each and every word of the write up on the Takhta.
They also made corrections and when we were admitted in the 6th class the English alphabets in capital and small letters were introduced followed by a sizable text book to be learnt the same year. The spelling rotting was one of the hard parts of the school work as each day before the English class started the difficult words of the lesson taught yesterday were to be answered and on each mistake one baton charge was our prize for failure so to save ourselves we focused on spellings even during walking home from school and going to school in the mornings and it became a habit and no word went unmemorized.