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Over 12,000 Pakistanis jailed abroad, NA told

ISLAMABAD: Over 12,000 Pakistanis are languishing in jails in different countries on a variety of charges, mostly illegal entry into the host countries and overstay.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has presented the details of Pakistanis jailed in foreign countries to the National Assembly (NA).

During the NA session today, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs presented the details of Pakistanis jailed in foreign countries.

According to the statistics, more than 12,000 Pakistanis are imprisoned in foreign countries.

As many as 3,100 nationals were imprisoned in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), 3,100 in Saudi Arabia including 1,612 in Abu Dhabi, 1,488 in Dubai, 1,503 in Jeddah and 1,596 in Riyadh.

Besides, 209 nationals were jailed in Qatar, 329 in Turkey, 811 in Greece, 672 in Iraq, 208 in Manama, 115 in Spain, 239 in China, 119 in Germany, 44 in Australia, 98 in the United States (US), 151 in Malaysia, 55 in Kuwait and 275 in the United Kingdom (UK).

At least 32 Pakistanis were jailed in Denmark, 94 in Sri Lanka, 21 in Maldives, 13 in Afghanistan, 12 in Jordan and eight in Nigeria. 




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