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Chitral wins Shandur polo tournament 2023

Irshadullah Khan 

SHANDUR: Chitral A once again beat Gilgit-Baltistan A in a thriller by 7 to 5 goals at the final of the annual Shandur polo tournament to clinch the trophy on July 9, 2023.

It was Chitral’s 8th victory at Shandur since 2014 except 2020 and 2021 when the festival could not be held due to the Covid-19 pandemic.  

The three-day polo festival started on July 7 and on the concluding day, the two sides played well and in the first half the Gilgit team had scored two goals against four of Chitral.

In the second half, Gilgit scored three more goals while Chitral also continued scoring as many goals in a regular interval. 

Nasirullah, Mairajuddin and Captain Israr Wali of Chitral played well while Saddam Raji and Abdullah from Gilgit side were the top scorers. 

Besides the exciting polo matches, the mega event also showcased traditional, cultural and adventurous activities, including music, traditional dance at evening and during matches as well at the world highest polo ground at Shandur.

Four teams each had been announced from Chitral and Gilgit sides while the final was played between Chitral A and Gilgit A.

Though prime minister Shehbaz Sharif was expected to be the chief guest on the final day of the mega event, he did not come to Shandur and instead Corps Commander Peshawar Lt Gen Hassan Azhar Hayat was chief guest and distributed trophies among the teams.  

Chitral team without legendary captain

It is for the first time since many decades that Chitral team played and won the final of Shandur polo tournament without the captaincy of Shahzada Sikendarul Mulk.

Mr Sikandar led the Chitral polo team from 1982 to 2022, winning the prestigious trophy of Shandur polo festival almost every year against the Gilgit-Baltistan team. Shandur polo festival, Chitral winner of 2023 Shandur polo trophy


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  1. Zafar Ali says

    At least the myth broke this year. without Skinder Chitral Polo team wins , and far better plays against Gilgit.
    Game is about team not a person.

  2. Sultan says

    Without Sikendar and ace player Izhar, Chitral team won the cup but my sympathies are with Gilgit team who played well but could not get out of the psychological distress after years of defeat.

  3. Asghar Ali says

    Congrats team Chitral. Wheat Chitral nahi aya par cup hamara. hua. Patwari udas udas. Shobaz ab jitay ga.

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