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Protest against wave of militancy in Swat

A large group of people on Friday took to the streets across Swat to protest against the presence of militants in mountains bordering the area, asserting that they will never allow any elements to sabotage the “hard-earned peace” in the region, reported.

The protests, titled ‘We want peace in Swat’ and ‘No to terrorism’, were held near the Matta Chowk in Khwazakhela tehsil and Kabal Chowk in Kabal tehsil.

The demonstrators were seen holding white and black flags as they walked through the markets of the districts. They also chanted “We want peace in Swat and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa” slogans.

The protestors, led by civil society activists Dr Amjad Ali, Advocate Ali Namdar, Ghairat Yousafzai, Ibne Amin Yousafzai, Rehmat Ali, Fawad Khan, Ehtishamul Haq, Mehtab Khan, Anwar Ali and Aftab Khan, said that the people of Swat would not be fooled again by any elements.


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1 Comment
  1. Afzal Khan says

    Wicked dramas with the people should end now. No militant can enter/operate anywhere without the knowledge/convivance of the security agencies. What are they for?

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