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Three sisters drown in river in Karimabad valley

CHITRAL: Three sisters drowned in Shoghore river in the Karimabad valley of Lower Chitral on Friday. 

Fouzia, Maskan and Arishian, daughters of Mir Ahmed of Donel Karimabad, were washing carpets on the riverside at Galah village when one of them slipped into the river and the two other while trying to save her also drowned. 

The sisters were aged eight, 10 and 22 years.

According to the locals,  Fouzia was doing nursing in Swat while Maskan was a student of 6th and Arishian of 5th class.

The bodies were retrieved and taken to the village by Rescue 1122.

The tragic incident sent shockwaves across the area and the local people are mourning the death of the three sisters.–Sher Afgan

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