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Road on the edge of a precipice

A.M. Khan

What becomes a matter of concern more when it affects many. Same is the case in village Reshun of Upper Chitral. Besides the vast private property of locals, the river is eroding incessantly the main road since the merciless Chitral river changed its course to the area across Shadaer. It still continues eroding the land and has now reached a threatening stage of a precipice.

Besides private property loss, the common populace in Upper Chitral is concerned more about the road which may cut them off physically from the down district for transport and supply of goods. With little more erosion which may continue with, in the month of June, the disconnect by road is for sure for people.

Indeed, it’s a genuine case in point of long suffering likely in the area. While going to and coming from Chitral as the road cuts off it becomes a journey to a suffering. And goods delivery, of any sort, from down country becomes very difficult to carry on. It may certainly skyrocketing transport charges not only to areas nearer but more to peripheries in upper Chitral.

The residents of Upper Chitral and a local PTI leaders had demanded the government protect part of the Chitral-Booni road, saying after swelling of Chitral river in summer may cause irreparable damage to it. That summer season passed with its part of seasonal erosion of private property, and this year’s forthcoming summer is yet to be seen doing what to this precarious crossing at Shadaer.

The climate-induced melting of glaciers is reportedly increasing in northern areas. Chitral has already witnessed outflows in river-course diversions and resultant destruction, and GLOFs in different places have added to vast damages in different places.

A week before, the residents of Reshun sought the attention of government , given the two weeks deadline,  to divert the river course in Shadaer where river flowing on the side of village may further erode private land and houses with the forthcoming summer season.

MPA Wazir Zada visited the area, and channelization of water course resumed on the site.

The hard fact about the work is still understandable that it is no enough to ward off high-powered water waves in the month of July and August when river Chitral reaches on its high-water marks. It needs a permanent solution in the form of a wall across the area before summer season commences.

Since the government is striving to bring ‘revolution in tourism’ and the ground-breaking of Chitral-Shandur road PM Imran Khan said ‘proper infrastructure will make the connecting areas a hub of tourism’ hinges on what requires an immediate attention. 

The road infrastructure is a key area of concern now at village Reshun in upper Chitral which not only disconnects a vast area of upper Chitral, in case of further land erosion,permanently from down country but also deprives people from their vast private property and residents a day after another.

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