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Political prisoner Baba Jan released

Baba Jan of Hunza, a senior leader of Awami Workers Party, was on Friday released from prison after about nine years. 

Baba Jan, Aleem, Iftikhar Karbalai and nine others were serving life imprisonment at a jail in Gahkuch after an anti-terrorism court sentenced them for setting government property on fire during riots that erupted in 2011.

Hundreds of men, women and children last month staged a protest demonstration in the Hunza valley, demanding the release of Baba Jan along with 14 other political prisoners. 

The government accepted the demand of the protesters and promised to release the prisoners in one and a half month.


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  1. Ehsan says

    If he was a Chitrali would fellow Chitralis protest so forcefully for his release ?

  2. Javed Karim says

    My Salam to people of Hunza, they made it possible and shattered the forces of darkness.

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