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Mosque unsealed by committee of clerics

BOONI: The row over the post of khateeb at the central mosque of Washich in Torkhow was resolved on intervention of ulema who then broke its locks.

Under a consensus between the two sides, it was decided that the current khateeb, Qazi Masood, will remain on the post.

A few days ago, the additional assistant commissioner Torkhow/Mulkhow had sealed the mosque to maintain peace as a group of people nominated another khateeb and started offering prayers separately but simultaneously.

Molana Khaliquz Zaman, khateeb of Shahi Masjid Chitral, Molana Fathul Bari, Molana Javed, Molana Yousuf, former tehsil Mastuj nazim Shamsur Rehman, Mukhtar Lal of Booni and others played a role in resolving the issue.

The local administration after sealing the mosque had called the two sides to appear before it on April 6.

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