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One woman abducted, another shot and injured

CHITRAL: A woman was shot and injured while another was abducted allegedly by their husbands for seeking divorce in separate incidents in lower and upper Chitral, police said.

In the first incident reported from Parkusab village of Mastuj, Hyder Aleem of Booni entered the house of his estranged wife Aqila, daughter of Hydery, and opened fire on her. The injured woman was shifted to the District Headquarters Hospital.

According to the Mastuj police, Aqila had filed a case in a local court seeking Khula from her husband over which her husband was disturbed. The police have registered a case against the suspect and launched an investigation.

In the second incident reported from Ayun in lower Chitral, a man identified as Samandar Khan abducted her wife from the house of her parents and took her to an undisclosed location.

The relatives of the woman said she also had filed a khula case in local court which was pending adjudication. In the meantime, Samandar Khan along with some other people entered the house of his in-laws, tied the inmates and kidnapped his wife. They woman’s relatives also alleged that the intruders took away Rs300,000 cash from the house.

The police concerned after registering cases have started investigations.


Reporting: Syed Nazir Hussain Shah

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